Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Chemistry and Society Essay
Chemistry is a vast quantity of a person’s everyday life. A person can find chemistry in his or her daily life in the foods that a person eats, air a person breathes, soap, and accurately everything a person comes in contact with. Chemistry is significant in everyday life because chemicals make up everything in life. For example, a person’s body, pet, a desk, the sun, food, and drugs a person may take, to name a few. A person can observe changes in chemistry caused by chemical reactions, such as leaves changing colors, cooking food, and mixing a cleaning product. Knowing chemistry can help a person make day-to-day choices that affect his or her life. For example, if a person should mix certain household chemicals together. Accuracy is the magnitude in which a certain measurement agrees with the standard worth for that measurement (Dictionary, 2011). Precision is how close the measured standards are to each other (Math is fun, 2011). Society depends on accuracy and precision in everyday life. These two relationships are often substituted freely, but both have crucial differences. Businesses entail both accurate and precise measurements to stay in business. Accuracy states that something is constant with an identified rate, whereas precision is the volume of detail something delivers. Society depends on accuracy and precision in many places. One instance is the gas pumps. The gas pump can show accuracy when the gas is flowing, but this is not a precise measurement of how much gas is pumping through the pumps. Gas pumps must not only know how much gas is pumping through the pumps but also how precise the measurement of gas pumped. The gas companies need to know how much is pumped so that the company can charge the right amount for the gas. Sometimes in everyday life a person does not want to be precise. For example, if someone stops and asks for directions to the nearest gas station a person may say that the next gas station is about 10 minutes down the road. Providing directions to someone is a way a person can give accurate information. Another example is, when measuring a room in the house to paint and needing to know how much paint to provide. A person can either measure and provide a precise measurement or provide an accurate measurement on the room to paint. Another precision and accuracy a person may use in every day is how long it takes his or her child to finish the homework. An accurate answer is 20 minutes, but the precise answer would be 20 minutes and 20 seconds. Time is an excellent way to be accurate or precise. References (2011). Accuracy. Retrieved November 3, 2011 from Math is fun. (2011). Accuracy and Precision. Retrieved November 3, 2011 from
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Global Warming Essay
Introduction Usually when people think of global warming they think of hotter weather. This is not necessarily correct. Global warming is not something that happens over one season but happens gradually overtime. The term global warming is a bit deceptive because it leads people to believe the temperatures will get hotter, this is not the case. Climate change impacts the hydrology and biology of our planet. This can cause stormier, dryer and even in some cases, colder weather. (Maria Trimarchi, 2014) Cultural Relativism When we think of global warming we typically just think about how the climate change is affecting our society. We do not stop and think how the changes affect other under-developed cultures. The article discusses how many under privileged countries die a lot sooner because of climate change. Something that developed countries would not see as quickly. (Sarah DeWeerdt, 2013) Understanding that the carbons and methane we use here in the United States not only affects our air quality and climate control but can have effects in Africa and other countries. The article discusses how the changes in weather from really dry heat to instant down pours of rain affects the agriculture. (Sarah DeWeerdt, 2013) This not only means the region experiencing this change is burdened by the increase and decrease in the climate, but countries doing import and export exchange is also affected. Ethiopia already experiences social and economical problems; climate change will make this country suffer even greater problems. National Geographic states the country already loses thousands of people a year due to effects from the climate. If global warming continues the effects would be catastrophic. (Alan Corbis, 2007) Mechanical Social Solidarity The term social solidarity refers to how a society unifies as a whole in aspects like interests, standards, objectives and sympathies. (Book Reference) Society can take a mechanical or organic approach to this philosophy. A mechanical solidarity society shows high emphasis on religion, society’s interest and has relatively low population rates. An example of this population group would be small tribes in Africa, Ethiopia and South America. Organic Solidarity is the complete opposite. They focus more on secular religion, material possessions, and high population and are human-oriented. The biggest example is America but you could also list China and Japan under this category. (Webster’s Dictionary) The article discusses how global warming is caused by omissions of carbon and methane into the atmosphere. (Sarah DeWeerdt, 2013) Our bigger organic solidarity societies are causing the global warming problems for the mechanical societies. It is unfortunate that we are not only ruining the environment for ourselves but we are also ruining it for innocent bystanders. Ethiopia being one of the poorest countries is being the most hurt by our materialist greed. They do not have the resources to even try and make a difference. Conflict Theory Conflict theories put emphasis on social, political, or material inequalities of a social group. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict and generally contrast historical ideologies. (Book reference) Understanding conflict theory is important to see how developed countries are hurting and hindering the development of under-developed countries. Until we draw a full understanding of this, a resolution cannot occur. The article discusses the differences and challenges under-developed countries face compared to developed countries. The risk of disease like Malaria is higher because of contamination and the inability to vaccinate. The United States faces mosquito problems but we do not have the issues of contaminated water. Plus our country also has vaccines to protect our population unlike most parts of Africa and other countries. (Sarah DeWeerdt, 2013) The article discusses the dry temperatures will cause an increase in mosquitoes and the risk of contracting a disease from insects will increase. Vaccines are a concern but also the inability to control the insect contamination. Major countries have preventatives to control the reproduction of insects. Smaller countries do not have the means to control this growing problem. (Sarah DeWeerdt, 2013) If global warming continues to increase, so will the dangers all from all the effects. Conclusion Our planet as a whole must come up with a solution that protects everyone from the effects of global warming. The countries that pose a risk of losing the most are the ones that do not have the resources to contribute much to the solution. These are also the countries that do not contribute to the problem. Generating lower carbon and methane technology is a must. We need our government and other high power governments to increase federal funding to programs that help in promoting this technology. REFERENCES Corbis, A. (2007). Global Warming Effects. National Geographic. Retrieved on April 24, 2014 from DeWeerdt, S. (2013). Climate Change, Coming Home: Global warming Effects on Population. World Watch. Retrieved from Trimarchi, M. (2014). Top 10 Worst Effects of Global Warming. Discovery. Retrieved on April 24, 2014 from
Monday, July 29, 2019
Business Finance Report
You need to conduct a research on equity capital available for new ventures in your home country and prepare the report.  1) An introduction explaining major sources of equity capital for new ventures, such as 2) Describe all main BA, VC and PE firms in your home country (their structure, history, approach, number of deals, total amount of capital raised, etc.) – all factors you may consider appropriate to have a better understanding of their activities. 3) Summarize BA, VC and PE firms in your home country in the following table: Sectors: list all the sectors in which they invest (e.g. high tech, tel , agriculture, etc.) Website: Give the link to the website 4) Give your conclusion on the situation with equity capital in your home country and perspectives for the future. You are required to prepare the report based on the results of your research and analysis. The report should contain: tables of contents, introduction, analysis and conclusion. The student’s work will be assessed by analytical abilities, deepness of research, solid judgments, logic of statements, and understanding of implications of finance and business.  Business angle are individual investor who finance new start-ups from his own fund directly. He /she are independent financially i.e. his profit or loss will not hamper the whole economy of a country. They do not have any family relation with the startups. They make their own investment decision, which is final[1]. Their investment varies from medium to long term depending n the case. Venture capital was first introduced in the 20th century, which means risky capital. It supports new ideas that are very risky but have high profit and growth. It is a type of equity financing which is very long term. There is a liquidity problem in venture capital as during the startups the project is expected to run for several years. It involves high technology and enjoys capital, which is the main benefit when the business succeeded[2]. It does not take a dividend in the intermediate stage. It also participate I the management o the entrepreneur and give expert advice besides monetary support. Private equity is a class of asset that consists of various securities, which are invested, in panies to generate high values. There are various types of Private equity like leveraged buyout (LBO), venture capital, Mezzanine capital and growth capital Growth capital refers to small amount of investment in the equity of a matured pany to help it expand its capital base or increase its market share without any changes in the management control of the pany[3].  In this section detailed analysis of various BA, VC and PE in Spain will be done and their impact on the new ventures will be discussed. In Spain, many business angle brokers support startups. However, top 10 are: Carlos Blanco: He is one of the greatest business angle in Spain. He is the cofounder of a gaming pany named Akamon Entertainment. He is also the CEO of Grupo ITnet. He has invested in many panies like Infantium or Kantox. Yago Arbeloa: He is the brother of Spanish footballer Alvaro Arbeloa and is in this business from the year 2010. He has invested in panies like Reclamador, Percentil and Really late Booking. He is also the president of AIEI and media group of Hello[4]. Francois Derbaix: he is the most active angle business in Spain. He has given support to almost 21 panies in past year, which includes Startupexplore, Tiendeo and unitae. He is also the co-founder of Toprural and Rentalia[5]. Currently he is running Soysuper. Every entrepreneur must read his personal blog before starting up a venture. Jesus Encinar: He is called the founder of Idealista. He also invested in Spanish startups like Etece and AsesorSeguros. He is the advisory board member of Seaya Ventures, a venture capital firm founded by Micheal Kleindl and Beatriz Gonzallez, which has invested in panies like Ticketea and Cabify since 2013. Bernando Hernandez: Previously he is the director management of product in Google and currently he is running the product division of Flickr’s. He is the one of the initial investor of Tuenti that is a social networking site purchased by Telefonica[6]. As an angle business investor he has also funded Mad Video and Mola . Jesus Monleon: He has a lot of expertise and experience in investing and creating various panies. He has founded Emagister in 2000 and recently founded Offerum. For 7 years he has worked in Caixa Capital Risc as an venture associate backing both early stage and mature panies[7]. As an angel business investor, he has funded panies like DADA panies, Chicfy and Deporvillage. Axel Serene: He has at least 20 years of knowledge in the business of internet and is the Chief Executive Officer of Vittalia. As an individual investor, he has funded and backed various panies like Tiendeo, Popplaces and Akamon. He is a Barcelona based investor. Walter Kobylanski: He is the co-founder of panies like Gigas based in Madrid. He and his brother Christian has founded an investment vehicle known as Danka Capital that is backing panies in its early stages[8]. As an individual investor he has funded panies like TouristEye, Ducksboard and Jugo. Martin Varsavsky: He is very famous for inventing and promoting tech juggernaunts like Ta and jazztel. Recently he has fuended Fon-Martin that is an active investor for startups over the past decade[9]. With the help of Jazzya Investment he has supported more than 30 panies like Hootsuite, Meneame and Tumblr which was purchased by Yahoo for $1 billion in 2013. Juan Margenat: He is the co-founder of Marfeel, which is a based in Barcelona. He is also the advisor of Conector. Previously he founded Plan B and Weekendesk Iberia. He has also invested in Habitissimo and fintech darling Kantox. Top 10 Venture capital firms supporting new startups in Spain are as follows: Axon Partners group: Unlike most of the other Spanish venture capital firms is focuses on international market and has office in Spain, Colombia and India. In addition to funding the startups, it also gives consultancy services to panies in which it does not have a holding. In the year, 2010 Party Gaming was merged with this Venture capital firm[10]. Since 2013 it has funded 8 panies raising an  amount of euro 23.9 million. Cabiedes & Partners: It is one of the most famous VC firm in Spain, which have backed more than 40 panies within the country. It was founded in late 90s and is run by Cabiedes brothers. The firm has raised euro 30 million funds in 2014 and focuses on performance and key metrics[11]. It has entered into 17 deals since 2013 raising an amount of euro 25.2 million. Kibo Ventures: Telefonica chose it so that it can manage its Amerigo fund which aims at Latam and Spanish startups. It has entered into 16 number of deals since 2013 raising an amount of euro 24.7 million. It has its head quarter in Madrid and was founded in 2011 Nauta Capital: Like Axon, it also has an international base. It has offices in London and Barcelona. It backs panies, which is at its growth-stage[12]. It has raised 100-150 million Euros in 2014 and invested in 30 startups within Spain, US and UK. Since 2013 it has entered into 7 deals raising a fund of 35 million euro. Vitamin K: It is based in Madrid and invest in internet panies and technology which are at its early stage. It is run by Rafael Garrido and has funded at least 10 panies since it was founded. It has entered into 6 deals since 2013 raising an amount of 6.2 million euro. Active venture partner: Their policy is to invest 80% of its funds in Spanish startup and rest are allocated to European countries. It is one of the key funders of BuyVIP, the online shopping pany, which was purchased by Amazon in 2010 for $110 million[13]. It has entered into 4 deals since 2013 raising an amount of 14 million euro. Bosnai Venture capital: It is the oldest venture capital firm of Spain, which was founded in 1999. It invests in panies, which are at its early stage, and its portfolio has startups like Wallapop. It is one of the oldest funders of Idealista[14]. It has entered into 2 deals since 2013 raising a total fund of 3.87 million euro. Lanta Digital Ventures: Angel Garcia founded it in 2013, a very experienced entrepreneur who was previously the Chief finance Officer of a technology pany named Fractus that was the main developer of mobile phone. It has entered into 2 deals since 2013 raising a fund of 50k Euros. Seaya Ventures: Beatriz Gonzalez daughter of president of BBVA’S and Michael Kleindl founded it, which helps panies at their growth stages with an approximate investment of 10 million Euros[15]. It has entered into 5 deals since 2013 raising a fund of 23.4 million Euros. Caixa Capital Risc: It is the most active investment vehicle in Spain. Since 2011, it started funding technological panies and has a portfolio of almost 100 panies including La Caixa which was the most friendly startup banks in Spain. It has entered into 18 deals since 2013 raising an amount of 202 million Euros. Top 5 Private equity firm in Spain are as follows:  Magnum Partners: It manly focuses and invests in Iberian region. It targets all the middle level to upper middle level panies in Portugal and Spain. Portobello Capital: It is Spanish based private equity firms that invest in new ventures and startups, which have high growth aspects, but risk factor involved is very high. Mercapital Servicios: it supports the middle size panies in Spain by steering their process of internationalization[16]. It also invests in panies in Latin America who wants their development to speed up N+1: It supports the existing ventures that are willing to extend their market base and diversify in different sectors. They support panies who are setting up new units or expanding its exiting setup. MCH: It invests in panies who are willing to introduce new technology in the market. They not only provide funds to these panies but also give them expert advice relating to technological development. https://www.linkedin /in/yago-arbeloa-2448623 https://es.linkedin /in/kobylanski https://www.linkedin /in/martinvarsavsky https://es.linkedin /in/juanmargenat Digital marketing, Online Advertising https://www.linkedin /in/jesusmonleon https://www.linkedin pany/axon-partners-group https://www.crunchbase /organization/cabiedes-partners https://www.crunchbase /organization/kibo-ventures www.nautacapital /news/nauta-iii www.webmd /vitamins-and-supplements/supplement-guide-vitamin-k www.bonsaiventurecapital /en/node/7 https://www.linkedin pany/caixa-capital-risc /profiles/.../3407468Z:SM-mercapital-servicios-financieros-sl Storm water discharge, Scrape Recycling mch.aarogya /mch/what-is-mch/12-over-all-mch-and-health-sector-situation.html From the above discussion, it can be said that BA, VC and PE have changed the face of startup venture all over the world. In the recent year BA, VC and PE has grown at lot in Spain supporting new ventures and technologies, which involves high risk as well as high growth. It not only supports news startup panies with fund but also provide them technological and expert advices. Now a days, they are also involving in the management of new ventures which was previously not a tradition. Almost 10 BA, 10 VC and PE has been discussed in this report which gives an overview that this BA, VC and PE are focusing on every industry and giving financial and other assistant to panies who need support. Startup ventures, which previously used to struggle to enter into the market with new schemes and technology because of lack of fund are now a day’s supported by this BA, VC and PE with investment. This new ventures are now getting a platform to highlight their talent in the market. Their success and growth rate has also increased a lot during these years because of these BA, VC and PE.  Baldock, Robert, and David North. 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"Reassessing the relationships between private equity investors and their portfolio panies." Small Business Economics 40, no. 3 (2013): 479-492. Mason, Colin, and Yannis Pierrakis. "Venture capital, the regions and public policy: the United Kingdom since the post-2000 technology crash." Regional Studies 47, no. 7 (2013): 1156-1171. Mason, Colin, ed. Handbook of research on venture capital. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012. Rosenbusch, Nina, Jan Brinckmann, and Verena Mà ¼ller. "Does acquiring venture capital pay off for the funded firms? A meta-analysis on the relationship between venture capital investment and funded firm financial performance."Journal of Business Venturing 28, no. 3 (2013): 335-353. Siepel, Josh. "Book review: Handbook of research on venture capital, volume 2: A globalizing industry." International Small Business Journal 32, no. 4 (2014): 474-475. Vanacker, Tom, Veroniek Collewaert, and Ine Paeleman. 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Consider the means by which history is portrayed in the German film Essay
Consider the means by which history is portrayed in the German film The Counterfeiters(2007). How does the film contribute to - Essay Example The authenticity of the events as they have occurred in real life transports the audience to see what people had been subjected to during those dark times. â€Å"Die Falscher â€Å"or â€Å"The Counterfeiters†takes on a new light in the development of the historical construct that was the Nazi concentration camps by introducing divergent characters who are as real as they could possibly be. The reality of human nature as one faces moral problems is an inherent quality that we cannot escape, particularly if we are faced with choices under abnormal circumstances. â€Å"The Counterfeiters†brings a new perspective on the people that seem inconsequential but make the ultimate difference and how their choices bring about the consequences that may reasonably alter the course of history. Consequently, flooding the market with counterfeited bills of the enemy is a viable plot to sway the war, but this intangible notion of a mere possibility in the eyes of prison workers is s econdary to the threat of imminent death. The film presents us inadvertently with an alternate scenario where the dollar was forged earlier and the Nazis could have stood a better chance of winning the entire war. â€Å"The Counterfeiters†shows us that the infamous concentration camps of World War II, just as fundamentally as history itself, are made up of people, people and their choices. As the introduction of Eleanor Roosevelt to the renowned book â€Å"Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl†so eloquently puts it, â€Å"living in constant fear and isolation, imprisoned not only by the terrible outward circumstances of war but inwardly by themselves, made me intimately and shockingly aware of war's greatest evil--the degradation of the human spirit.†Though Anne Frank and the people in â€Å"The Counterfeiters†may have had different experiences, the fear and mortification runs parallel between them. The men chosen for ‘Operation Bernhand were ha ndpicked because of their previous professions vital to the operations of a large-scale currency counterfeiting scheme confidential even to other high ranking SS officials. Central to the entire process is Salomon ‘Sally’ Sorowitsch, a world class counterfeiter living the high life in Berlin before he was caught by the Sturmbannfuhrer Friedrich Herzog. â€Å"Like most films about the Holocaust it is a survivor’s tale, and its protagonist, at least at first, seems long on guile and short on scruple†(Scott par.1). The triangle in his uniform represents the tag of a habitual criminal separating him from the other prisoners. Displaying his skills in cunning, Sally finds himself comfortable in the Mauthausen concentration camp by capitalizing on his artistic skills and painting for the Nazi officers. His transfer to the Sachsenhausen camp reunited him with Herzog who privies him to his new role in the forging of the British pound and then onwards to the Americ an dollar. The pivotal dynamics of the story revolves around the struggle between the ideals of two men between Sally Sorowitsch and Adolf Burger. The two represent diverging ethos each with its own viable merit. The film is essentially a story of survival under dire circumstances and how a tactical plan by the Nazis could bring the war to an end. This is framed in the characters of the story and how the human ethical dilemma of choosing between one’
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Statement - Essay Example Laughter and so much culture around me that I feel, coming here will not only help me grow up as a person but it would also give special impetus to my interior decoration course, for which I have come here. I have done two years of the course in Toronto and intend complete my post graduation in same from Parsons University which is one of the best in states. Morning is packed with reading of newspaper followed by e-mail checking and putting my new apartment in order by decorating it. Later, after brunch and go out to get familiar with the town. In the evenings, I love to sit in front of my computers and do some random creative designing. After dinner, if I am not going out with friends for clubbing and dancing, I relax at home, reading and then going off to sleep. Right now I am reading Hemingway’s ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, it’s a fascinating tale of human emotions. Yesterday I had seen Brooklyn Museum and today, I am again going to walk through the famous landmark Brooklyn Bridge. It fascinates me and I would really like to comment here of the aspects that attract me here again and again. The Bridge for me is a symbol of commitment and a staunch belief in one self. The bridge was conceptualized by the great engineer John Augustus Roebling who died of tetanus shortly after the construction of the bridge started in 1869. The work was taken up by his son Washington, who was also an accomplished engineer, like his father. He believed in hands on approach to his work and actively participated in the underwater work in ‘caissons’ which are huge containers of water. Unfortunately, excessive exposure in water crippled Washington and made him permanently disabled. The later stages of bridge construction and supervision continued under the guidance of Emily, wife of Washington, who reported the progress to her invalid husband. In 1883, it was opened to public and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Comparison between the classic lectures and the small group discussion Essay
Comparison between the classic lectures and the small group discussion for fifth -six th year students -college of medicine,Taif - Essay Example One of the recent developments found in the identification of different modes of teaching is the small group discussion technique. It has been put to practical use and has been providing some radical changes about the perspective that students had about teaching. However, there are certain dark areas about this method of teaching that are still needed to be put as questions to extract measurable answers. In order to identify whether this new approach will provide results in the long run, an analysis survey among the students is planned to take place. Based on the survey results, a decision could be brought out on whether this new method could eventually and completely replace the classic approach. This paper aims at determining those survey questions that are to be asked to the students of the Taif University. A general survey methodology which involves a comparison of two methods needs to identify pros and cons of each method and provide an accumulative result to the surveyor. Later , the surveyor could weigh the accumulated results of both the methods and can provide the results that either state which method is better or propose changes that could improve the aspects of the second coming method. Hence, it is critically important to determine the questions to be asked in the survey. The nature of the questions should be practical, argumentative and direct to the point. (Fowler 1995) Questions related with Classical Lecture method Classical Lecture Method has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Lecture method allows for a direct and logical interpretation of the facts and procedures. They provide an opportunity for the students to directly understand the concepts and techniques that are proven over the years. (Monroe 1915) Lecture method allows students to experience the concepts as and when they hear about it, through the speech of the lecturer. It allows them to easily grasp the concepts which they would have had a hard time to understand. Lecture me thod gives an equal opportunity for all of the students to get to know about the information that is explained. As far as this method goes, all students get equal information, provided if they all are attentive.(Hghert 1981) The ability of the lecturer plays a bigger part. Analysis, comparison and examples related to the lecture topic always enhance the studying interest of the listener. In addition, with the presence of a lecturer, there is always a guiding force for the students to look forward.(Lieberman 2004) Disadvantages The ability of the lecturer could act as a disadvantage too. If the lecturer does not have good oral communication skills, then he or she may falter in sending the right message to the listeners. Most often, there is no direct involvement of the listeners in any lecture, unless requested. This often creates a passive environment and many a times the lecturers’ fail to recognize whether the listeners are mentally involved in the session or not. (Donald 2 000) Because communication in these lectures is most often in one way mode, there is high percentage of difficulty that could arise in understanding tedious subjects, irrespective of the number of virtual presentations that the lecturers could provide. (Bassey 1968) Another problem that could arise is that all listeners cannot cope up with the pace of the lecturer and understand at the same speed. Some may be slow in understanding the concepts whereas
Friday, July 26, 2019
Business submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business submission - Essay Example ch activities include; shifting manufacturing techniques or method, adopting new, better input materials, re-utilizing materials on site, and adoption of new product changes as well. Note that this has no exclusion to other firms under the same industry (Leipziger 2010). Precautionary approach to environmental challenges on the other hand involves organized use of risk assessment through identification of hazardous features or characteristics, management, as well as risk communication. This is based on the degree of certainty as shown by scientific evaluation techniques which must be conducted prior. Under this principle, the following activities by the organization in question (Microsoft) and its competitors have been witnessed. Provision of better information to the clients, communicating possible risk to the customers, the surroundings, or even the public and obtaining prior permission before certain commodities, are thought to be potentially harmful (Akhtarkhavari 2010). My position is to encourage these organizations to continue with such practices since they are essential in the compliance with the two principles of Global Compact. Despite the fact that the above business practices aim at compliance with the two principles I mentioned earlier, they also come with little side effects which we must agree to take charge of. To begin with, there are positive lessons learnt from the activities of Microsoft as it aims to comply with the two principles under the Global Compact. These include; the implementation of environmental friendly technologies that help in reduction on the use of raw materials, which in turn result into increased efficiency. Secondly, innovations pertaining to technology create a new whole world of more superior business opportunities which in turn helps the business to remain or win competitive advantage over others in the same industry. Furthermore, such technologies that use input materials more efficiently and even cleanly may be applied
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon (1964) writes of the Yanomamo of Coursework
Anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon (1964) writes of the Yanomamo of Venezuela as fierce people - Coursework Example The Yanomamo tribe of Venezuela lives in relatively small villages of around 40 to 250 people. For Chagnon, the Yanomamos are a â€Å"fierce people†because of their cultural practices. This particular group of people would usually express ferocity in several ways. First of all, the ferocious and violent tendencies of the Yanomamos are reflected in their decisions to initiate intervillage warfare in order to prevent another tribe to attack them in the future or perhaps simply in order to demonstrate their ferocity. Secondly, the Yanomamos would usually beat their wives when they want to vent their anger. Nevertheless, the unreasonableness of this act is no match for the fact that men would sometimes engage in a chest-pounding duel and take part in free-for-all club fights in order to settle disputes of insults and excessive demands. Lastly and certainly not the least, the Yanomamos prove themselves as truly a â€Å"fierce people†when they force their sons to fight each other in public duels while they parents rejoice in their fights. Thus, there is no way to diffuse the warlike image for this is inculcated in the Yanomamo even at a young age. All these violent and ferocious acts indeed somehow define the Yanomamos as a â€Å"fierce people.†The Yanomamos themselves have both a practical and a traditional or mythological origin for such ferocity that they demonstrate. The practical side to it is the idea that their ferocity is a â€Å"way of protecting valuable resources†and also a way of considering women and children as â€Å"valuable resources†(Robins, 2009). This means that the intervillage wars and the warlike predisposition of the Yanomamos serve either as a way to demonstrate superiority as well as to protect the tribe from attacks waged by other tribes. If the Yanomamos were not a â€Å"fierce people,†they would stand no chance against other tribes who would attack them at any time. Another justification of the Yanomamos for their being a â€Å"fierce†is mythological in origin. These people believe that people were â€Å"created from the blood of the moon†(Robins, 200 9). According to this origin myth, the moon was believed by the ancients to have devoured the souls of their children. Because of this, the human beings shot the moon with an arrow and from the blood that flowed out of this wound, the Yanomamos were born. The fact that the birth of the Yanomamos was one of blood and revenge in a way paved the way for them to believe that they are indeed a â€Å"fierce people†and in many ways they demonstrated and perpetuated this image. Question 3: In your own words, review the characteristics of peaceful societies and link these characteristics to two of the following five societies: the Ju/Wasi, the Semain of West Malaysia, the Inuit, the Xinguano of the Amazon region in South America, and the Buid of the Philippines. Peaceful societies maintain their peace by constantly aiming for a number of things. Firstly, these societies place a high value on developing the values of sharing and cooperation. This is to alleviate and avoid conflicts ov er material resources. Somehow, peaceful societies believe that if there is one thing that would disturb the peace among the members of the community, it would be the selfishness, greed and the refusal to share possessions. Thus, these characteristics are absent in a peaceful society. The Ju/wasi and the Buid of the Philippines are two examples of societies that exemplify peace. These two societies share similar qualities, all of which are focused upon the good of the community as a whole, and not over material things or the benefit of the individual. Another characteristic of a peaceful society is the condemnation of those who boast about their accomplishments, especially if this would most likely trigger hatred, envy or
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
How can a firm use social media in branding Research Paper
How can a firm use social media in branding - Research Paper Example This study looks into Apple Incorporation as a big name in the computer and electronic industry. The company is known for its continuous innovation and innovative products. Apple is famous for the different ideas and strategies in comparison to the competitors and as a result create a clear edge competitive advantage in the market. In this section, the social media marketing strategy of Apple has been evaluated along with the explanation of the consumer issues and needs. Social media marketing is gaining popularity rapidly among different organizations. It has taken important place in the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategies of the organizations. Social media marketing allows the organization to communicate and interact with the target market in more easy and convenient manner. Different social media sites and blogs provide the organizations with the platform to interact with the customers directly. These social media platforms also allow the customers to raise any que ry or issue related with the products of services of the organization. Owing to the high importance of social media marketing, it is being used by almost all organizations as a branding tool in order to formulate and communicate the brand image and identity. The brand image and brand identity of any organization or product is directly dependent on the perception consumers built about that particular product or organization. In this regard, the online presence of the organization contributes towards formulating consumers’ perception. ... Social media marketing allows the organization to communicate and interact with the target market in more easy and convenient manner (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Different social media sites and blogs provide the organizations with the platform to interact with the customers directly. These social media platforms also allows the customers to raise any query or issue related with the products of services of the organization. Owing to the high importance of social media marketing, it is being used by almost all organizations as a branding tool in order to formulate and communicate the brand image and identity (Chan-Olmsted, 2011). The brand image and brand identity of any organization or product is directly dependent on the perception consumers built about that particular product or organization (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, 2009). In this regard, the online presence of the organization contributes towards formulating consumers’ perception. Apple Incorporation has been coming up with di fferent marketing and promotional strategies in order to attract more and more customers. However, it is important to acknowledge here that the social media marketing strategy of the company has been under serious criticism by different analysts and also the customers. The management of Apple has been only focusing on maintaining the online presence through the itunes and Apple Application store. The main focus of the organization is on the different innovative and high quality electronic products (Subramanian, 2010). Apple does not have any official facebook fan page and twitter account. Although, Apple maintains some discussion forums, which are for replying to the queries and questions of the customers, but unfortunately the staff and employees at
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Process Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Process Costing - Essay Example Companies need to know the amount of money spent on their products before they can set appropriate selling prices. Firms that fail to accurately determine process costs can find themselves setting too low prices that lead to losses or too high prices that scare away customers. Accurate process costing helps to set right prices or adjust the process if costs cannot allow reasonable pricing. Importance of the Study Although many researchers have contributed to this topic, little can be seen in terms of standardization of the approaches of determining process costs. This paper is a literature review aimed at determining major points of divergence that have prevented standardization of process costing methods. Four scholarly articles are analysed to determine gaps, discrepancies and common grounds in relation to process costing. The paper will make suggestions on the best way forward as well as lay ground for future research. Literature Review One of the articles reviewed is a research s tudy done by Cooper and Slagmulder aimed at determining process costing methods used by different Japanese firms (2002). ... use failure to give all firms equal chances of being included in the sample introduced some biasness in the study (Dillman, Eltinge, Groves & Little, 2002). The interviewers made notes while taping interviewees’ responses. The findings indicated that most Japanese firms preferred target costing as opposed to process costing. In this regard, target costing is a projection of costs of future products with the aim of determining whether the assigned expenses can allow reasonable pricing to generate profits or not. The difference between process costing and target costing is that the latter is applied on future products while the former on complete or semi-complete products (Cooper & Slagmulder, 2002). All interviewed firms indicated that they relied on target costing and only applied process costing when they find discrepancies at the end of the production process. In another study, Everaert, Germain and Werner sought to investigate process costing methods used by different compa nies in Belgium (2002). The researchers based their study on four companies that were selected randomly (2002). After getting approval, they issued questionnaires to process costing officers in the selected firms and collected them after two weeks (Everaert, Germain and Werner, 2002). The results indicated that three out of the four sampled companies used weighted average method of process analysis. The remaining firms used the first-in first-out (FIFO) method. The FIFO method treats costs from different periods separately and has four steps comprising of analysis of physical flow of units, calculation of equivalent units, computation of unit costs and analysis of total costs (Everaert, Germain and Werner, 2002). The company that used FIFO said the method is reliable because separate calculation
The Bermuda Triangle Essay Example for Free
The Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle is one of the biggest mysteries in the world. Since Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1492, there have been numerous airplanes, ships, and vessels to â€Å"disappear†in the middle of the triangle. There are many theories about what could have happened to these missing ships, but no one really knows what is out there for sure. Some say that the lost city of Atlantis is at he bottom of the Atlantic Ocean; some say there are Aliens. Others believe it is just as simple as mother nature and is all just over exaggerated. This all leads to the million dollar question: is the Bermuda Triangle just a living legend, or is there really something paranormal out in the â€Å"Devils Triangle†? Many know that the Bermuda Triangle is a triangle is the Atlantic Ocean, but would like to know who discovered the Bermuda Triangle, and how it was became discovered. There are many myths and legends about the triangle, but many do not know a lot about them. This paper will look more into each myth; the Atlantis myth, the underwater electromagnetic field, and the UFO attacks. Many people ask which myths are real and which ones are fake, but no one will ever know for sure. Some of the myths seem a bit far fetched, such as the aliens, but the electromagnetic fields at the bottom of the ocean seem a little bit reasonable. The triangle is also known for getting many typhoons, so maybe that has something to do with the missing airplanes. Another frequently asked question is how many ships have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle? There must be a lot if it is a worldwide myth. What happened during Flight 19?. When did it happen and how? The biggest question that people may ask is if the Bermuda Triangle is real or not. It is a very frequently asked question when the subject comes up. Is there any strong evidence towards one side or another? The vicinity of the Bermuda triangle is known, however the exact spot where people disappear is not known. Where the Bermuda Triangle is located, is subject to three way water currents. These currents are capable of causing storms powerful enough to damage ships and aircrafts. The boundaries of the triangle cover the straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores. There are over sixty-six airplanes and ships that have passed through the Bermuda Triangle and have never been found. The Bermuda Triangle is not known for any specific season. It is sunny, but there are usually winds. Some of the accidents that have been told to have happen in the Bermuda triangle did not, the happened in other locations but somehow get added to the list of accidents in the Bermuda Triangle over time. Christopher Columbus and his crew was the first people who discovered the Bermuda Triangle. He first documented dancing lights on the horizon, and bizarre compass readings. It was said that Christopher Columbus documented these sitings on October 11, 1492. There are several disappearances and several myths about the Triangle. In 1872, a large vessel called ‘Mary Celeste’ was spotted by a ship call Dei Gratia sailing awkwardly. The Dei Gratia decided to stop by and take a look and saw no one was on the ship. The life boat was missing and they left the ship vacant and in perfect condition. Another weird myth and mystery that happened in the Bermuda Triangle happened on December 27, 1948. Commercial flight called NC-16002 DC-3 was flying to Puerto Rico. The pilot radioed Miami when they were fifty miles out to receive specific directions. Once they received the directions, Miami never received a response back, making it a missing ship. Yet these are known as myths, they have really happened. (Bermuda Triangle Facts, Mystery, Myths Theories Surrounding Bermuda Triangle) One of the first myths about the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of USS Cyclops in 1918. The ship was launched in 1910, and carried coal for the Navy in World War I. The ship was on it was from Salvador to Baltimore, but the ship never made it. The ship had to make an unscheduled stop in Barbados on March 3rd, but after this stop it vanished without a trace. No traces of this ship were ever found, no wreckage or distress signals were received. There were 306 people’s lives lost on this ship, the most lives lost in Naval history that did not involve combat. Not only is Cyclops being a missing is a mystery, so is where it went missing. This ship could of gone missing anywhere from Barbados to Baltimore. Communication was unreliable in 1918 making hard to tell what happened, and they might not have had time to call before sinking. Flight 19 is another mystery about the Bermuda Triangle, a training mission that took off from Fort Lauderdale on December 5th, 1945. The leader of Flight 19 was Charles Taylor, an experienced crew member. Twelve of the people on the plan were students. About 2 hours after takeoff Taylor messaged the base stating he was disorientated. He stated, Both my compasses are out. Im over land, but its broken. Im sure Im in the Keys, but I dont know how far down and I dont know how to get to Fort Lauderdale. If the flight had gone like it was supposed to, the flight should have approximately been over Great Sale Cay, 200 miles from the keys. For the next two hours, the crew flew north and east with little communication. The base was under the belief the flight should have been over the Gulf of Mexico and soon be back over Florida. One the final things the base heard from the flight was, All planes close up tight we will have to ditch unless landfall. when the first man gets down to 10 gallons we will all land in the water together. Immediately a boat was launched to find the men, but had to return when its antenna iced over. Another boat took off and within an hour and a half, a tanker observed an explosion. A patch of oil and wreckage was found boat is believed to have exploded. A five day search was sent out, and 250,000 square mile was searched. Not even a trace of Flight 19 was found. Over the years the story of Flight 19 has been changed and exaggerated. Some sources say UFOs were spotted, none of which was recorded. Although it seems bizarre that Taylors compasses failed, where the landed it also questionable. Bahamas look similar to Florida from the air, after a five hour flight not knowing where they were headed, means it could of landed various places. It seems very possible that the flight ran out of gas before the men had time get on the rafts. Along with many myths and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, there are also a lot of theories. Some theories about the triangle are that it could have something to do with UFO. Steven Spielberg used this theory in his Hollywood film called ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’. This site explains some supernatural theories just to explain why things disappeared in the vicinity of the triangle. It also says that it is also known as one of the two places on earth where a compass will not point to true, magnetic north. Another theory that the world has come up with is Atlantis and its mysterious crystals. This theory has become popular by a man named Edgar Cayce, who claims to see the future and spirits from the past life in Atlantis. Cayce says that they had remarkable technologies such as powerful â€Å"fire crystals†which helped them produce energy. He believes that those crystals went out of control and sunk the whole city of Atlantis. It is believed that the crystals are damaged, therefore sending out their nuclear power beneath the ocean waves. The nuclear power interferes with the ships and planes going through the Bermuda Triangle. Dr. Ben Clennell is the man who brought the â€Å"methane gas†theory to the eyes of the public. He believes that the methane gas locked in the bottom of the ocean has to do with the missing ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle. He says that subterranean landslides can possibly release the methane gas into the oceans making it dangerous for ships to pass through. A large amount of methane would reduce the density of the oceans water, making ships sink like nothing. After it sunk that Gulf Stream could have the ability to move the wreckage miles from where it sunk. The gas is also highly combustible and can ignite, sending planes shooting into the ocean. These explosions can be very violent. Another theory is that the Bermuda Triangle is a portal to another dimension. A number of witnesses have reported UFOs in this area. There is thought that the government is conducting tests in the Bermuda Triangle, but what they are looking for is a mystery. National Geographic is investigating reports of an underwater city near Cuba, but have not made any announcements on what they have learned. The Bermuda Triangle is known for geomagnetic fields. These fields could cause the compass readings. Geomagnetic fields are common throughout the world, making this very possible. The planes could also go missing by methane rising into the air and causing them to blow up. There is no proof what really happens in the Bermuda Triangle and still remains as one of Earths biggest mysteries Lawrence David Kusch did an investigation to the Bermuda Triangle. Kusche frequently requested information from the library about the Bermuda Triangle, but he discovered there was very little reliable information available. Him and group of librarian formed a group, and began researching the area. Kusche tried to find the answer to the mystery and legends that had been created about the Bermuda Triangle. He had a good background that helped him understand the research that he was conducting. Kusche explains his research by presenting each myth, followed by the known facts. He then states the source of which he got his information. One of the legends Kusche researched was the one that involves Air Force C-124. This flight disappeared on its way to Ireland. This legend happened in March 1950. The Air Force has no recorded of ant missing C-124s that month in the Atlantic. In March 1951 there was a report of an aircraft that went down in route to England. This aircraft did not go missing within the next 24 hours pieces of this aircraft showed up. In conclusion, whether or not the Bermuda Triangle is real or fake has never truly been discovered. There is a lot of evidence on both sides, but some of which cannot be proven to be true or false. Scientists know for a fact that there is something bizarre about the triangle and what happens inside, but some of the occurrences may not be truly paranormal activity. Some of the disappearances may only be mother nature and nothing more. The Bermuda Triangle still is one of the worlds biggest mysteries.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Importance of black church Essay Example for Free
Importance of black church Essay One of the primary institutional foundations of the black community is the Black church. It is necessary to evaluate the role that has been played by the Black church in response of the abovementioned needs and negative impacts of the black youth today. In this regard, a total of 635 Northern churches were surveyed by the Black Church Family Project. The North Central comprises of 320 churches, while, Northeastern United States comprises of 315 churches. Youth support programs were regarded during the existence of the churches. Adolescent nonmembers of the church were targeted by at least one program in one hundred and seventy-six churches. Low-income homes were most of the targets, as suggested during the study. â€Å"Many have sought to account for the distinctive features of black religious life by focusing major attention on the distant past. They have been preoccupied with African roots rather than with the American experience out of which the black churches emerged†(1983, 157). A variety of sources was used by the Black Church Family Project for the identification of the targets, as black churches were not having any comprehensive list of their churches. Official denominational lists, the National Urban League, as well as, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s local chapters were included in these sources. In addition, local ministerial alliance’s list, and data from the universities were also included in the sources. The executive offices of the mayors and county executives were also inquired for any valid information during the study. Funeral directors, telephone directories, and black churches, as well as, the denominations were also included and regarded in the sources during the assessment of sources as maximum as possible. The Lincoln and Mamiya study that was done in the year 1990 was focused during the study, and its seven historically black denominations were focused as a goal during the study. Eight historically white denominations and several other black denominations were also used for the maximum collection of information regarding the subject. Several noteworthy limitations have been confronted during the study. First, no previously developed or verified resources were benefited by the designing of the project-sampling frame due to the non-availability of the national roster of black congregations. The identification of the sampling universe was the first major problem of the study. The actual number of the black churches across the country was unknown, although, 65,000 to 75,000 was the estimated number of black churches in the United States, as agreed by the religious scholars of the country. Identification and location of some churches were not possible due to their faith traditions and churches with no permanent addresses and telephone numbers. Therefore, the sample excluded and underrepresented these entities. Thirty-nine percent of the churches provided the greatest interest regarding the teen-support programs among the 176 churches, in which, youth programs were organized. Christian fellowships, seminars group, workshops discussions, rap sessions, counseling, and ministry were consisted in these programs. Sports activities were the second most prominent offering in these churches. Athletic camps, teams, and martial arts classes were provided by thirty-one percent of the churches. Three percent of the churches provided youth AIDS support programs, while two percent of the churches offered youth health-related services, which were among the least common programs. Persons with AIDS were given with financial support, counseling, classes, and seminars by the former one. Health clinics, screening of health problems, and seminars were included in the latter one. However, it should be noted that fifteen percent of the churches offered substance abuse programs. Counseling for drug and alcohol, seminars for drug abuse preventive measures, and various workshops were included in these substance abuse programs of the churches. Additionally, sixteen percent of the churches offered college student financial support services, which included emergency financial assistance, and scholarships. Parenting and sexuality issues were handled by fifteen percent of the churches. These churches offered counseling, classes, workshops, pregnancy preventive measures, seminars, and support for teen parents. Issues regarding the youth at risk were dealt by fourteen percent of the churches. Counseling, delinquency prevention, and delinquent youth residence issues were included in these offering. Role modeling was reported by eight percent of the churches, which included mentors, and foster grandparents. Employment and job readiness was reported by seven percent of the churches, which included summer employment opportunities, job training, and career/job fairs. Other youth support programs were listed by fourteen percent of the churches. The importance of human resources and leadership was suggested by another finding. The more youth programs were found, when the clergy was paid more. Youth programs were offered by only sixteen percent of the churches with no paid clergy. However, one paid clergy was found in only twenty-nine percent of the churches, and two or more paid clergy were found in forty-nine percent of the churches during the study. The youth programs were also depended on the number of paid staff in the churches. In this regard, youth programs were offered by only eighteen percent of the churches, which were not having any paid staff. The youth programs were existed in a number of characteristics of the churches. Methodist, middle-class, older, and larger membership churches were found to be more interested in organizing youth programs in their communities. In addition, owned or mortgaged, and churches with more staff and paid clergy were also appeared to be having greatest interest in youth programs. Youth programs are not offered by most of the black churches, even with the availability of such characteristics and resources. For instance, some types of family-oriented community outreach programs are offered by two-thirds of black churches in Northern regions, the specific youth programs are addressed by only a quarter of these churches. In addition, some variations were also noted among the churches during the study. Considerable potential for expansion is suggested, as youth programs have been engaged and organized by only a quarter of black churches.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Recruitment Process for Child Practitioner
Recruitment Process for Child Practitioner Summary This report talks about the recruitment process of a professional called G. It states what strengths and weaknesses she can give to her new role and how she can better herself in the setting as a practitioner. G is 20 years old and is currently studying a level 3 assessor award but also already has qualifications in level 2 health and social care and also a NVQ level 3 in childcare. G is applying for a room leader’s job in the setting see appendixes 1 and 2. The report also looks into the theories linked to practice and how G can implement these in her job role. Introduction In this report the author will explain what the recruitment process is and how It works right from the employer making the advertisement and what would be included, why we interview and give a trial in the interview and then after they are successful and the employer has gathered all relevant information they will then get an induction before starting work in the setting. Next we will discuss what G’s stability is for the post, such as her strengths and weakness, looking into the things she can bring to the setting and also looking at any problems that may arise. Then the author will discuss her potential progress, what G can do to progress in her new job and how can she plan what she is going to do. Next will be reflecting back on theory looking into individual relationships, motivation, behavior, management, leadership, group processes and managing performance Recruitment process Firstly the employer will have to make a job advertisement, including all parts of the job role and what is expected of the new employer. It will also have to state what qualifications they expect from the applicant. The job description should include at least six important factors, these being: Job title, Main duties, Role, Location, Salary and a brief of what your company does. (Marketing Donut, 2014) Then the employer will have to put the advertisement in local papers or online so that the applicant can find it. Once the applicant has assessed that they have everything they need for the job and it is what they are looking for by reading the job description like in appendix two, they will then call for an application form which they will then fill in and send back to the employer. Once the employer has assessed all applicants the ones which fit the needs if the job will be offered an interview. Once they are asked back to a structured interview the employer will examine the applica nt’s childcare knowledge, qualifications gained, practical experience and attitudes. The applicant may be asked to bring a current Disclosure and Barring Service, also known as a DBS (Gov. UK, 2014) along with your qualification certificates, three forms of I.D, one with a photo and also a current C.V. Each candidate is asked the same structured questions, their replies are noted, so that the employer can look back to find the best suited person. (, 2014) In the interview it also gives the applicant an insight of the setting and how its set out this will help them to determine if the environment is right for them. At the interview the applicant may be asked to do a small trial with the children this is so that the staff can see if they work well with the children and in the setting. Once the employer picks the applicant they will firstly contact the two references that were supplied on the application form to find out information on how the applicant has worked in the past and if there has been any challenges. After they have gathered all relevant information and have their qualification certificates and their DBS they will be given an induction. Induction is the first part of the learning in setting for an employer when starting a different job. It contributes a structured start for the employees in the first weeks/months of work, which will make sure that they are sufficient enough to be left unsupervised with children unsupervised. Evidence suggests that a structured induction procedure, along with a developmental scheme will stimulate an important part in the retention of employees. (Kurtts, 2011) G,s induction will allow her to get to know all the people she will be working with and the policies and procedures of the setting it will also allow time for any relevant paperwork to be filled in. During the induction as a room leader she will be shown how to fill in all the paperwork she needs to do in the setting such as daily planners, registers, EYFS record keeping and diaries for the parents of the children. Most importantly, it will give an insight to the manager if she will cope with the job role and with the pace of the daily activities of the setting. G’s suitability G was most suitable for the job advertised, this is because it worked within what she was looking for and also her strengths fitted well into the job role, also as the job is mornings it seemed to tie in well with her weaknesses as well. Strengths She has a high attendance rate, which is strongly important as a room leader as other staff members will be relying on her not only for ratio purposes but as she is planning activities and daily duties. G is very enthusiastic and in interview showed her good positive ideas and communicated very well with the manager and also with the children and other colleagues. G will be able to bring her new ideas into the setting when it comes to planning the daily activities and outings with the children staying within the setting policies and procedures. She will be working mornings so this seems to fit in well with her lifestyle also she is still studying so working part time gives her the time she needs to continue that training. Weakness G will need some training in boosting her ability to plan activities on her own. She will also have to be overseen for a few weeks while in her trial period as she hasn’t had any responsibilities in inform parents of information, although she has had previous communication with parents in her old setting. It was previously disclosed by past employer that she seems to get moody when tired, so this seems to fit in well that she will only be working part time in the mornings. G is still in training so although she is working part time so it fits round her daily life this can also be a weakness as she may find it hard to work with such high standards and supervise everyone in her room as well as going to college and doing college work this may also delay her in doing any training that’s she may need through work. Training is regularly given at improving someone’s discrimination or cognition. (Cottrill, 1997) Potential Development for G G could progress her development by finishing her current course to her highest standards. She can also take up any opportunities that her work may give her such as higher level training and by attending all relevant training such as safeguarding and child protection as this is a requirement for all staff. (, 2015) G could also look into her own further education and development such as a PGCE in early childhood education and care. This will help her as this course is aimed at people who are already working with young children in early years such as nurseries. It will deepen G’s knowledge and understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) she will also extend her knowledge and professional skills in observation and assessment of young childrens development how children develop while learning through play, combined with working with all parents and careers and the leadership of staff teams. These are all things G will be doing while a room leader, but with the training she can progress to a supervisor of the setting. (, 2015) You can assess your own progress at work by specializing your goals when doing a personal development plan. (Ireland, Cure and Hopkins, 2009) All people set some goals when in a professional working environment. These goals may be only short term or semi-permanent goals. If the goals set are too overwhelming and that they will not be achieved in a time scale set, then you can set them for longer periods of time or do them one at a time. (, 2015) Reflecting on theories Individual relationships Children learn and become independent through individual positive relationships Positive relationships help children develop because they show warmth and loving relationship with a sense of belonging. The professional has to show a sensitive and responsive relationship to the child’s needs, feelings and interests, they are supportive when a child uses their own efforts and independence. While they are regularly setting clear boundaries for the child. (Moylett and Stewart, 2012) This then leads to the attachment theory as infants have a universal need to seek close proximity with their caregiver when under stress or threatened (Prior Glaser, 2006). This being the case G should always be available for her peers and always have positive relationships with them so she can aid their development so the children can develop well and also easily be calmed with distressed or threatened. If she does not have positive relationships with the children this may hold back their best potenti al development and also when distressed they will not be calmed easily. Motivation To maximise a child’s development positive motivation will play a major part. Elton Mayos theory of motivation examined the social desires of the employee. He believed that pay alone wasnt adequate to encourage workers to put forward their best practice. He believed that the social desires of the staff ought to be taken into thought. He suggested employers treat their staff in a caring and humane way so that it demonstrates an interest within the individual so as to possess them manufacture their best work. (Silver, 2015) G can implement this in her own work as she can be well motivated towards all children and staff in setting, this then will have a knock on effect and helps them to produce their best work and also so the children can work to their best ability, giving them the best possible development outcomes. Behavior A practitioner’s behavior has a massive effect on all aspects of the setting. The main two are maintaining yourself as a professional, your behavior towards others and your job will show people how professional you are and how you come across in your job. In social learning theory Albert Bandura states behavior is learned from the setting and the practitioners through observation. Bandura also states that humans consider the connection between their behavior and its consequences. Children also observe the people around them and the way in which they behave in. (Bandura 1977). G can do this in her setting by keeping positive behaviors and by acting professionally at all times. However, she must be aware of when she gets tired she can get moody and that this behavior will have a negative effect on the children and other staff members. Management and Leadership The management can have a big impact on the whole setting from to how they professional run the setting through to communication within the setting. The manager of the setting can help the other professionals in the setting by going through personal development plans, giving good communication, Motivating the team and giving them training so they can develop. G can take up all the opportunities given to her and stick to her development plans alongside her manager. Group processes There are many ways to group process one being Bruce Tuckmans Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing team-development model this is a way of all staff members linking together to make sure their overall performance is at the highest level possible. The development model explains that because the team develops maturity and talent this establish relationships and also how the manager changes their leadership styles. Starting with a direction, moving through employment, then collaborating and finishing authorisation. (Bonebright, 2010) G can do this with her other staff members so that as a team they can perform to the best they can. Managing performance One way of managing performance is to have a performance management, this is a way of approaching the setting through supporting workers to perform well and develop in their roles. Things like appraisal, outlined objectives, supervising and feedback will modify a shared understanding and agreement of expectations. This then permits workers to develop their skills and ability so that they can improve the standard of the training and care provided within the setting. An effective performance management system will encourage staff to recognise as well as rewarding achievements, whereas providing opportunities for individuals to develop their careers. Positive communication is additionally integral to support and inspiring staff so that it enhance their performance. (, 2015) G can take on board how she supports the staff members in her room and give them feedback at team meetings on how they can improve themselves. References Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Bonebright, D. (2010). 40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckmans model of small group development. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), pp.111-120. Cottrill, M. (1997). Give Your Work Teams Time and Training. Academy of Management Perspectives, 11(3), pp.87-89., (2015). Early Years and Childcare Provider > Information for Managers > Managing Staff > Performance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2015]., (2014). Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks) GOV.UK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Dec. 2014]., (2014). Recruitment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2014]. Ireland, B., Cure, R. and Hopkins, L. (2009). Perfecting your personal development plan. Vital, 6(2), pp.40-41. Kurtts, S. (2011). Successful induction for new teachers: a guide for NQTs induction tutors, coordinators, and mentors. Teacher Development, 15(1). Marketing Donut, (2014). Six things you need to include in a job description. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2014]. Moylett, H. and Stewart, N. (2012). EYFS Development Matters. 1st ed. London: Early Education., (2015). Safeguarding | Advice and resources | Pre-school Learning Alliance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2015]. Prior, V. and Glaser, D. (2006). Understanding attachment and attachment disorders. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Silver, F. (2015). Three Major Theories of Motivation. [Online] Business Entrepreneurship Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Print version | PGCE Early Childhood Education and Care (0-5) with EYTS (graduate employment route) Part-time course. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Assessing Your Progress At Work. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2015]. Appendix One Job Specification Appendix Two JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: Room leader JOB LEVEL: 3 Job Description Room Leader To be a leader of a team, providing an emotionally secure, warm, stimulating and safe environment, appropriate to the needs of individual children. There must be excellent knowledge of the Early Years foundation stage and implement these in your daily work. This is a basic job description that must be implemented at all times, extension of this job description is essential to promotion and enhancement within the setting. Main Duties and responsibilities Over viewing planning sheets and record keeping of all the staff in your room Ensuring routines are followed Ensuring new decisions are taken on board Ensuring all staff in the room know all information needed Ensuring that all policies and procedures are being followed by all staff Being a role model to the other staff in your room Understanding all policies and procedures of the nursery Manage staff effectively, ensuring ratios are maintained throughout the setting Overseeing the professionalism of all staff in the setting Welcome all children and parents to the nursery Provide a wide range of activities for the children individually and as a group appropriate to their needs and developmental stages. Putting out and setting up the nursery and storing away equipment appropriately. Encourage all the children with their language development Maintain a clean and tidy nursery and garden area and ensure all equipment and toys are clean and in good order. Encourage and supervise clearing and tidy up time Provide a high standard of health and hygiene Change nappies and encourage children with toilet training and personal hygiene Help children at meal times and then tidy and clear away afterwards Act as a key person for a group of children as allocated by the management team, ensuring attachment theories are respected. Work in partnership with parents, consulting and sharing information with them about the needs and progress of their children Filling in all the appropriate records for your key children and ensure they are always up to date Attend all staff meetings To undertake all training and give feedback to the other members of staff also implement this in your work Ensuring all staff stick to the policies and procedures of their setting. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019
Emma - Romantic Imagination :: essays research papers fc
Jane Austen’s Emma and the Romantic Imagination "To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour." â€â€William Blake, ‘Auguries of Innocence’ Imagination, to the people of the eighteenth century of whom William Blake and Jane Austen are but two, involves the twisting of the relationship between fantasy and reality to arrive at a fantastical point at which a world can be extrapolated from a single grain of sand, and all the time that has been and ever will be can be compressed into the space of an hour. What is proposed by Blake is clearly ludicrousâ€â€it runs against the very tide of reason and senseâ€â€and yet the picture that the imagination paints of his verse inspires awe. The human imagination supplies the emotional undercurrents that allows us to see the next wild flower we pass on the side of the road in an entirely different and amazing light. In Austenâ₠¬â„¢s Emma, the imagination is less strenuously taxed because her story of sensibility is more easily enhanced by the imagination, more easily given life than Blake’s abstract vision of the great in the small because Emma is more aesthetically realistic. However, both rely on the fact that "[t]he correspondence of world and subject is at the center of any sensibility story, yet that correspondence is often twisted in unusual and terrifying shapes," (Edward Young, 1741). The heroine of Austen’s novel, Emma Woodhouse, a girl of immense imagination, maintains it by keeping up with her reading and art because, as Young contends, these are the mediums through which imagination is chiefly expressed by manipulating the relationships between the world and the subject at hand. However, even in this, Emma’s imagination falls short. "The soul might have the capacity to take in the ‘world’ or the ‘atom’ if it weren’t for the b ody’s limitations getting in the way," (Joseph Addison, 1712). As Addison supposes, the limitations of Emma’s body keeps her from seeing the truths that her soul, if let free, would show her. One of these is that Frank Churchill, a handsome and well-bred man, is insincere and fake, while Mr. Knightley truly loves her like no other. In Emma’s love theme, Austen shows us how emotions and imagination can augment each other. "[I]t was†¦sensibility which originally aroused imagination;†¦on the other hand†¦imagination increases and prolongs†¦sensibility," (Dugald Stewart, 1792). Emma - Romantic Imagination :: essays research papers fc Jane Austen’s Emma and the Romantic Imagination "To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour." â€â€William Blake, ‘Auguries of Innocence’ Imagination, to the people of the eighteenth century of whom William Blake and Jane Austen are but two, involves the twisting of the relationship between fantasy and reality to arrive at a fantastical point at which a world can be extrapolated from a single grain of sand, and all the time that has been and ever will be can be compressed into the space of an hour. What is proposed by Blake is clearly ludicrousâ€â€it runs against the very tide of reason and senseâ€â€and yet the picture that the imagination paints of his verse inspires awe. The human imagination supplies the emotional undercurrents that allows us to see the next wild flower we pass on the side of the road in an entirely different and amazing light. In Austenâ₠¬â„¢s Emma, the imagination is less strenuously taxed because her story of sensibility is more easily enhanced by the imagination, more easily given life than Blake’s abstract vision of the great in the small because Emma is more aesthetically realistic. However, both rely on the fact that "[t]he correspondence of world and subject is at the center of any sensibility story, yet that correspondence is often twisted in unusual and terrifying shapes," (Edward Young, 1741). The heroine of Austen’s novel, Emma Woodhouse, a girl of immense imagination, maintains it by keeping up with her reading and art because, as Young contends, these are the mediums through which imagination is chiefly expressed by manipulating the relationships between the world and the subject at hand. However, even in this, Emma’s imagination falls short. "The soul might have the capacity to take in the ‘world’ or the ‘atom’ if it weren’t for the b ody’s limitations getting in the way," (Joseph Addison, 1712). As Addison supposes, the limitations of Emma’s body keeps her from seeing the truths that her soul, if let free, would show her. One of these is that Frank Churchill, a handsome and well-bred man, is insincere and fake, while Mr. Knightley truly loves her like no other. In Emma’s love theme, Austen shows us how emotions and imagination can augment each other. "[I]t was†¦sensibility which originally aroused imagination;†¦on the other hand†¦imagination increases and prolongs†¦sensibility," (Dugald Stewart, 1792).
The Powerful Opening of Kafkas Metamorphosis :: Metamorphosis essays
The Powerful Opening of Kafka's Metamorphosis  'When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.' Franz Kafka opens his novella Metamorphosis (also The Transformation and The Transfiguration) with the above phrase, a simple statement of fact. He startles the reader with this bold first sentence. It draws the reader directly to the question of why? Why is Gregor Samsa a monstrous vermin. The inclusion that Samsa has had 'unsettling dreams' could indicate that he was subconsciously aware of his metamorphosis taking place. It also tells us that his mind is not at rest. The words 'monstrous vermin' in the publication translated by Stanley Corngold differ from the description in the original German. The German translates directly to 'horrific bug' . 'Monstrous vermin' still leaves the reader space to imagine a number of different vermin that Samsa could have become, but the use of 'horrific bug' narrows this down somewhat. Kafka's opening sentence sh ows the path that Samsa's feelings follow, to the point, with little hope.  F. Kafka goes on in the remainder of the first paragraph to describe Samsa's physical appearance. His back, described as 'as hard as an armor plate' gives an impression that Samsa has gained more protection from life, from who or whatever changed his physical form. The cover, as it is said that it is about to fall off of his domed brown belly, can be likened to society in Metamorphosis. The cover (nor society) could not fulfill its purpose, and clings to Samsa. An important image is that of Samsa's 'many legs... ...waving helplessly before his eyes.' This gives the reader an impression of Samsa's inability to control the situation.  Gregor Samsa's first thought is to ask himself what has happened to him. Obviously from this one can assume that Samsa was not expecting his metamorphosis and is indeed quite surprised by the whole event. His instant deduction that it was no dream implies that Samsa has control of his mind, and a certain grasp of the reality of his new situation. Kafka describes Samsa's room as 'a regular human room' allowing the reader the necessary understanding that it is just Samsa that has changed, not the world around him. The Powerful Opening of Kafka's Metamorphosis :: Metamorphosis essays The Powerful Opening of Kafka's Metamorphosis  'When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.' Franz Kafka opens his novella Metamorphosis (also The Transformation and The Transfiguration) with the above phrase, a simple statement of fact. He startles the reader with this bold first sentence. It draws the reader directly to the question of why? Why is Gregor Samsa a monstrous vermin. The inclusion that Samsa has had 'unsettling dreams' could indicate that he was subconsciously aware of his metamorphosis taking place. It also tells us that his mind is not at rest. The words 'monstrous vermin' in the publication translated by Stanley Corngold differ from the description in the original German. The German translates directly to 'horrific bug' . 'Monstrous vermin' still leaves the reader space to imagine a number of different vermin that Samsa could have become, but the use of 'horrific bug' narrows this down somewhat. Kafka's opening sentence sh ows the path that Samsa's feelings follow, to the point, with little hope.  F. Kafka goes on in the remainder of the first paragraph to describe Samsa's physical appearance. His back, described as 'as hard as an armor plate' gives an impression that Samsa has gained more protection from life, from who or whatever changed his physical form. The cover, as it is said that it is about to fall off of his domed brown belly, can be likened to society in Metamorphosis. The cover (nor society) could not fulfill its purpose, and clings to Samsa. An important image is that of Samsa's 'many legs... ...waving helplessly before his eyes.' This gives the reader an impression of Samsa's inability to control the situation.  Gregor Samsa's first thought is to ask himself what has happened to him. Obviously from this one can assume that Samsa was not expecting his metamorphosis and is indeed quite surprised by the whole event. His instant deduction that it was no dream implies that Samsa has control of his mind, and a certain grasp of the reality of his new situation. Kafka describes Samsa's room as 'a regular human room' allowing the reader the necessary understanding that it is just Samsa that has changed, not the world around him.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Sophocles Antigone - Creon is Donig the Right Thing :: Antigone essays
Defending Creon: a monarch within his rights to rule In Antigone, especially with the feminist movement now holding the title character, as prototypical downtrodden woman, the king Creon is often villified. While accepting the fact that Creon has misogynist tendencies, the gender issues can cause the pure argument of validity of actions, to fall by the wayside. So supposing for a moment, that Antigone's rebellion had been undertaken by a male, would Creon's choices have been different. Did he choose such harsh punishment and intractable course because Antigone was a woman ? As I read him, this is not the case. He has made a value judgement as to who is traitor and who is worthy. He has made a secondary judgement as to the rights of traitors, and the need of the people to know the consequences of traitorous acts. While one may disagree, with the value judgements he has made, as king he is well within his rights, indeed his obligation, to rule according to what he believes best at the time. Outcomes are not always the best vantage point from which to judge a man. Creon did not have the advantage the reader has of seeing final outcomes, indeed we must remember these outcomes were contrived by Sophocles, to illustrate his point of view. Is it not conceivable that in real life, these outcomes are far from assured, indeed a bit preposterous ? So then to summarize, Creon simply made his best decision, and that decision was with in his right to rule as the recognized sovereign. Â On the surface, Antigone is the classic tragic hero, it is she that Sophocles wants us to be drawn to. It is Creon against who he stacks the cards. A writer's value judgement, nothing more. So then, once more assuming Antigone is a male instead, are her or his actions noble or foolhardy, and irresponsible. While on the surface it appears noble to risk death for a principle, is it really ? Aren't relationships more important than principles ? Much is made of Creon sentencing his own son's fiance to death, did she not by her foolhardy, kneejerk reaction sentence herself. Where is her consideration for her husband to be ? And her sister, who has lost so much, and now clings to her so desparately, is rebuffed and dismissed as not worthy of the glorious Antigone.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Feasibility Study Essay
2.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements for the system is essential. Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY SOCIAL FEASIBILITY ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes are required for implementing this system. SOCIAL FEASIBILITY The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of acceptance by the users solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final user of the system.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Families Play an Important Role in the Future of a Child Essay
Susan Lieberman, a Ph.D. psychologist, once said, Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They ease us coiffure who we be they result something steady, reli fit and riskless in a confusing world.It is true, that families indeed play an of the essence(predicate) position in the future(a) of a pip-squeak. Families nurture a sister, and mould him or her into who they become in the future. Families argon the patronage and backing of a kidskin, and how they ar press release to identify and tail their dreams and largely liaison on their family of origin. A child is do through beliefs and values that his or her family holds well-nigh the world and that are based on family members experiences. Without a family, a child would be relinquished of the out pure tone to be control and nurtured, and their future would be bleak and unclear.In todays modern society, a childs family moreoer consists of their mother and father, and perhaps a sibling or two. A childs par ents are the ones supporting the family, de ingredienture for work at first light, and wholly returning in the late evening. They are too kept up in the hectic working lifestyle, and ultimately are incapable of making time to degenerate with their children. The children, in turn, are unable to parcel of land with someone about their days activities, and lack the opportunity to be guided and taught the advanced values and behavior they should conduct and portray in their lives. This could be passing detri noetic to a child, as they are not given a retrieve to experience a familys turn in and warmth, and they will grow cold and distant. To lucubrate this point, the child, as he or she grows older, whitethorn turn to their friends who may be a bad influence on them, or may turn to substances such as drinking, smoking or takings drugs, so as to fill that void of family in their hearts. Consequently, the child has already been guided out from the glistering future they would have if it werent for his or her absent family. Their future would look bleak and hopeless.Conversely, a child who has go through parental and family love would be able to uphold the proper values in life. They would be able to tell slump from wrong, as they would have been guided and taught by their parents past experiences. Their beliefs and thinking can be reinforced and justified, and they will be regularise on the right path to pursue their future. As stressed in the retell above, families help a child define who we are they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world. The percentage families play in the future of a child is extremely crucial, as it is the deciding factor of what a child believes in and also their ability to tell by right from wrong in our confusing world.Statistics show that children raised in families do better if their parents stay together than if they divorced. This highlights the richness of the role families play in the future of their child. If at that place is a divorce betwixt a childs parents, the child could be too distraught and traumatised by the separation and the scenting of having to accept that he or she would never have a proper family ever again. It can be severely detrimental to the child and he or she may not be able to focus properly on their studies, and can even withdraw from their societal circle. With failing studies, the child will ache the chance to have a bright future, and may eventually get influenced by their surroundings to take substances in severalise to cope with their loss. Hence, this proves the importance of having a full-page family. Only with a proper and amiable family can a child prosper and grow into a beautiful soul he or she is meant to be in the future.A child in a family should never be neglected. Without adult direction and with the lack of care and concern showered upon a child, he or she may feel neglected and unloved, that his or her presence facto r nothing to their family, that they are unwanted. This could lead to the mental thought that they are unwanted, or in extreme cases, depression. This shows how important a role family plays in the future of a child. Family gives a sense of security to the child, that no matter what happens, their family will always be there to support them and nurture them. If such a feeling is stripped from them, they can be led astray from the right path.Families decidedly play a big part in the upbringing and the future of a child. They lead the child down the right path, and are always watching over them, ready to reprobate their mistakes and teach them the correct values they should have. A family gives a child a sense of belonging and a sense of love toward each other.
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